
Innisfree Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask Review

Most of you, or maybe all of you, must have heard about this awesome Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask from Innisfree 😀 So I will just share short opinion about it 🙂

This is mine. I have used it for more than six months, twice a week. 
All you need to do is first, wash your face. Then apply toner. After that, spread the clay mask thickly all over your face and leave it for around 30 minutes (now I leave it for one hour :p) and then rinse it off. You will feel the difference on your face 😀

When I have break-out, just like the pic above, I use small amount of this mask to cover it and leave it like that and go to sleep. The next morning when I wash it off, I can feel it go away :DD

What I like:
My face feel smooth and clean after using it.
Removes blackheads.
Heal my break-out
What I dislike:
Doesn’t remove my whiteheads 🙁
Doesn’t see any difference with my pores 😐
Rating: 5 of 5. I really love this mask! <3 Will I repurchase? Of course!

What do you think?

Written by Julliana Elora

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  1. Hi XD
    I just dropped by and mind if I ask you,,
    kamu beli Innisfree via OL shop atau ada tokonya sendiri?
    Btw, aku dari Surabaya en d Surabaya belum ada 🙁

  2. Ini serius bs ilangin jerawat pas dtinggal tidur satu malem trs bskny langsung ilang gt?! 😮 kalo tipe muka merah2 trs oily skin gitu juga bs ilang merah2ny sm minyakny atau cm ilangin jrawat doang?

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