Do you like to drink Coca Cola? Don’t you want to taste Coca Cola on your lips? :9
I was surprised when Reine Doll Shop sent me this for review purpose. Lip Smacker Coca Cola Cherry? Wow.. I was so excited to try it out. xD
The lip balm colour is just the same as Coca Cola colour: red cherry colour. It’s slim and made of plastic.
The colour is red on the tube but when I swatched it on my hand, the colour is actually quite sheer and not as red as on the tube.
I’m happy with the result. Not much difference from my actual lip colour, only it gives me more glossy look. And yes it really smells like Coca Cola and cherry xD When I lick it, it’s really sweet. Too sweet I think. ._.
What I like:
Coca Cola and cherry scent <3
moisturise my lips
looks really natural on my lips
makes my lip glossy but not too much
What I dislike:
it's too sweet
If you already bored with ordinary lip balm flavour like strawberry, orange, etc, then you should give this a try. Just now I browsed Lip Smacker's website and I found so many flavours there, all of them are so unique xD
You can buy this from Reine Doll Shop , they sell so many US drugstore brand ready stock for Indonesian residence. Don't forget to use code "RINICES08" when you are buying from their multiply's website to get Rp 10.000 off for minimal Rp 100.000 purchase. ^^
in Reviews
Sponsored Review: Lip Smacker Coca-Cola Cherry
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rin, lipsmacker di bibirmu kerasa berat ga stlh diapply? >.< aku jg pny lipsmacker tp yg cotton candy, stlh diapply jd terasa berat gt.. >.< ga kyk yg lain
hah? engga kok vi, sama aja ky lip balm lainn.. ._.
kalo aku beli ini, pasti pas uda dipake dibibir mala aku makan makanin hahaha 😀
can imagine how nice smell is *_*
but no color at all 🙁
oh tidaaaakkk, racunnnn… T^T jadi ngiler kayanya rasanya enak! :9
Wah iya. Gawat ini racun banget akakkakakakakkaaaaaa
coca cola OxO
ntar malah ku emut XD
Wow i've never tried any cola flavored lip balm before and this seems really interesting…great review ^_~
I know this one :3 banyak banget ci di Watson Malay wkwk wktu itu pgen beli cuma ragu jdi ga beli deh wkwkwkwk
nice review jdi mupeng cma sayang klo beli lip balm lagi ._. tunggu yg lma abs dlo wkwk
wkwk terlalu manis vi, aku jd males jilatnya xP
yes the smell is exactly the same as coca cola xD
yes because it's a lip balm, i think it's no problem if it doesn't have any color to make it look natural 😀
Thanx for reading Anya ^^
wkwk iy lho rasanya enak, dulu aku jg prnh nyoba yg rasa pisang :9
yoiii, tantangan terberatnya adalah tidak menjilat2 bibir ya hahaha xD
yes you should try it sometimes, i've tried the banana flavour too xD
Thanx Janet ^^
yahhh syang skali km ga beli, murah ya di sanaa?
wkwk kyny lip balm km bnyak nih, smoga cepet abis deh yes :p
Ich mag ihn sehr. Da muss man echt aufpassen, dass man nicht süchtig wird 🙂
wahh enak dong klo rasany manis 😀 aq suka sm produk lipen yg g sngaja dijilat rasanya manis 😀 tp jd kangen ama coca cola, ud bertahun" aq g perna minum coca cola lg *trakhir ps sma klo g slh >.<