
Sunshine Blogger Award

The rules:
1. Post a picture of the Sunshine Blogger Award
2. Post 11 random facts about you
3. Answer 11 questions from the nominating blogger
4. Link back to the blogger who nominated you
5. Nominate 11 wonderful bloggers, that you feel bring sunshine to the blogging world (be sure to notify them).
6. Write 11 questions for your nominated blogger
So here we go 11 random facts about me, I don’t remember whether I had shared it with you on my last award post hahhaa..
1. I love reading fantasy novel, like Harry Potter series, The Mortal Instrument series, The Inheritance series, etc. 
2. I love watching action movie and historical drama, you know kind of drama that your grandma will love to watch hahaha.. My friend said that I’m so old fashioned XD
3. I used to like white colour when I was a child. But nowadays I like pastel colour like pink, purple, and mint. 
4. I am afraid of height T.T
5. Have addiction of shabby chic pattern lately *.*
6. Hate cockroach and spider the most.
7.I love shopping alone because by shopping alone, I can feel free to look around without have to worry about others waiting for me.
8. My favourite numbers are 2 and 8.
9. My favourite season is spring.
10. I like singing but always feel that my voice is not good enough -_-
11. I like Chinese food the most ^^
My answers to Fraulein’s questions:
1. What is your must have beauty product? Lip balm
2. What do you prefer: reading a book or listening to audio book? Reading a book
3. What made you laugh today? My phone conversation with my grandma
4. Potato chips or chocolate? Potato chips
5. Your favourite spring colour? Pink!
6. You prefer watching a DVD/Bluray or going to the cinema? Going to the cinema
7. Are there any items you are potentially hoarding? Mask sheets XD
8. What is your weakness? I don’t like to try watch melodrama because I can cry easily
9. Your fav ice cream? Chocolate
10. Tea or coffee? Tea
11. Do you prefer BB Creams or CC Creams or foundation? BB Cream
My answers to Mhisha’s questions:
1. Books or movies? Why? Books, because I can imagine more with my mind.
2. Favourite writer/director? J.K. Rowling
3. How often do you blog? Two or three times a week. I will write as many draft as possible.
4. What’s you other hobby beside blogging? Reading novel and singing.
5. Any meaning behind your blog’s name? Nothing special, it’s just my name :p
6. When did you know you’re going to be a blogger? Right before I started this blog, around two years ago.
7. Something you’re looking forward to? Overseas trip with my friends next year 😀
8. What’s your fashion signature? I like wearing girly dress but sometimes I like chic style too.
9. Your most favorite makeup and skincare product? Really hard question. Most favorite makeup product: Etude House Precious Mineral Magic Any Cushion. Most favorite skincare product: Mizon All-in-One Snail Cream.
10. Name three to five items you’d take with you when Zombie apocalypse ever happen? Seriously this question makes me puzzled. Hhaaha.. I guess my answer doesn’t need to relate with zombie at all, right? I will bring my smartphone, perfume, lighter (because zombie afraid of fire, no?), lip balm, and headset.
11. Are you a morning person? If yes, what’s your morning routine? No, I’m not. >.

What do you think?

Written by virgo

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  1. Cocok ce awardnya, kan kamu shine like a sunshine :3
    And those zombie thing kinda make me laughed to death, hahahah x'D

    Anyway, aku mau jawab pertanyaannya cece ah, buat hiburan

    1. What is your biggest fear? Snail! Oh no, God!
    2. Do you prefer rainy or sunny day? Sunny day, rainy day makes my shoes dirty
    3. Cupcake or macaroon? None, cheescake maybe
    4. What is your favorite anime? Hataraku Maou-Sama!
    5. What is your dream when you was a child? Being an CSI member
    6. Basketball or football? Both
    7. Your daily makeup product : BB Cream, eyebrow powder, lip tint
    8. What fashion style are you most comfortable with? Classy and Hipster
    9. When did you start using makeup? Around second semester in University
    10. Do you have any city you wish you could live in right now? Prague
    11. Lollipop or bubble gum? Lollipop



  2. aduh baca kalimat pertamamu aja ud bikin aku ngakak, Git, gombal abis XD
    iy yang zombie ngeblank abis, ga tau mau jawab apa hahaha ._.

    takut keong ya trnyata? ga bisa pakai snail cream yang lg booming donk ya?
    iy sih raininy day bkin spatu kotor, makanya klo hujan aku pengenny d kamar doank sambil berkhayal huahhaha XD
    bahhh bikin opsi sendiri, aku makan cheesecake kebanyakan bisa enek :p
    CSI member? keren abis, git B-)
    aaaa Prague, aku jg pengen k sana, keren banget ya kotanya :')

  3. I'm happy you could do this post and it was so interesting to read about you 😀 I'm crying easily while watching melodramatic movies or series too XD…but I can cry to almost every movie, even disney films :D…and I love old fashioned historical dramas and fantasy books aswell 😀

  4. I'm happy you could do this post and it was so interesting to read about you 😀 I'm crying easily while watching melodramatic movies or series too XD…but I can cry to almost every movie, even disney films :D…and I love old fashioned historical dramas and fantasy books aswell 😀

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