Face primer is really important to help your makeup stays longer. This time I want to introduce you to primer from Verikos, another cosmetic brand from Korea, which I rarely heard about before. J
Honestly I don’t really use any primer. Usually I just use CC Cream as a primer hahahah XD But now, I have a proper primer, let’s see how it works 😉
The Verikos Ultra Matte Primer comes in a simple box and simple packaging. I guess it’s a medium-high end brand in Korea. It’s just reflected in the design of the product J
The texture is like powder, it’s not in a cream texture, hard to explain but it feels so different on skin 😀 Because of the texture, it feels so lightweight on skin, as if I don’t apply anything. The primer comes in a beige colour. It’s easily blended into my skin.
However, after having great expectation with this product because reading what it claims on the box, this product doesn’t work as great as what it claims to be. I don’t know why but it emphasizes my pores. The primer makes the pore look so flaky and horrible. My pores looks like there are whitehead everywhere, that’s the good illustration to describe how it looks like because I can’t capture it on my camera >.
in Reviews
Verikos Ultra Matte Primer Review
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wah kok bisa primer malah bikin pori pri tambah noticeable?? o.O
ce, minta rekomendasi primer yg oil controlnya mantep dong 😀
mmmm sayang ya..padahal 6 free nya lumayan bikin tempting..
Wah sayang banget yak ga cocok ma cici *lempar sini* lol 😛
Iya ci recommend primer yang bagus dan tahan lamaa ci :3
Ohh 🙁 That's such a dissapointing product! The last thing you'd want from a primer is to emphasize the appearance of pores >_< It looked like such a great product though!
weleh jelek jg jdnya klo porenya nambah klihatan pdhl dr bahan"ny ud bagus yah, tp gpp lah kan dpt gratis yaw <3
aneh banget malah bikin pori2nya tambah keliatan, padahal menjajikan sekali ya ce keliatannya :O
lol i thought primer was supposed to "fill the pores"
i guess not
Ohh 🙁 That's such a dissapointing product! The last thing you'd want from a primer is to emphasize the appearance of pores >_< It looked like such a great product though!
hahaha. so it can't be used as a primer dong,. better cc cream. sama2 jarang pake primer. punya cm yg sample size doang. benefit primernya emang ok. kl korea katanya banila bagus ya..
omg kok aneh ya, bukannya ngecilin pori malah bikin tambah keliatan, aneh bener –" tapi ingredient nya oke sih, yg 6 free itu. harusnya ga bahaya ya hhi
tau jes, aku jg bingung :s
ky yg aku blg jes, aku ga pake primer biasanya, cc cream yg aku jdiin primer ._. jd ga bs bantu kyny >.<
hahhaa that's what i think too XD
iy makanya na, mengecewakan nih jdny krn ud brharap kebanyakan T.T
hahaha iy shan untungnya gratis, klo beli sih ud mau banting aja nih :p
yes, when it's supposed to hide the appearance of pores >.<
ahhahaha km mau na?
ga tau na, ky yg aku blg aku ga bener2 pake primer yg murni primer ._.
yup syang bangetttt
better cc cream k mana2 jes.. ahahha..
iy banila bagus katanya jes, best seller primernyaaa..
ga bahaya yes,, cm ga ngerti napa hasilnya malah ky gt 🙁
Maukkkk ciiiii *lempake aku*
baru tau nih primer tp bikin pori2 keliatan >_< rata2 pori2 sedikit tertutup ya dg pakai primer haha >_<