So first let’s talk about the
Clinelle PureSWISS Thermal Spring Water
PureSwiss Thermal Spring Water is not just an ordinary water that has been tested (dermatologically tested), it’s formulated with RX3 Mineral Action (Repair, Refine, Reshield) provides natural ability of the earth to maintain and restore the health of your skin. PureSwiss Thermal Spring Water protect and revive your skin from head to toe with 25 extraordinary efficacies. walaupun namanya swiss tapi Spring Water ini formulated in France.
btw, I got their biggest size which is 300ml, it’s really big and I couldn’t bring it anywhere except I have to but it will be too big to carry around.
These are the 25 Efficacies for Head to Toe:
For Face:
Lifting and firming, Refines pores, Oil controls, Relieves blemishes, Tones, Hydrates, Decongest, Protects Skin, Facial Mask Treatment, Sets Makeup, After dermatological treatments, Razor Burns
For hand and body:
Soften Skin, Treatment after hair removal, Treatment for Sunburns, Strengthen weak nails, Cracked heels, Skin discomforts from diaper/softex wearing, Relieve Insect bites
For Hair and Scalp:
Prevents dandruff, Prevents split ends, Reduce scalp itchiness
Refresh and Moisturize:
After exercise, Helps during travel, Helps under air-conditioning at home or office.
as it said on the bottle, it’s to restore, soothe and hydrate our skin, even hair and nails.
It’s rich in 20 rare minerals, High in Selenium
Selenium is a trace element that is naturally present in many foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement. Selenium, which is nutritionally essential for humans, is a constituent of more than two dozen selenoproteins that play critical roles in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis, and protection from oxidative damage and infection
link source
it has skin pH balance 5.5, which is gentle to the face. NO PARABEN! that’s super great!
and it’s ideal for sensitive skin like mine.
Penjelasan di botolnya sendiri dalam English, nah, tapi di plastiknya di tempel penjelasan yang dalam bahasa Indonesia. So people will easily understand.
I’m going to explain to you about RX3 Mineral Action.
1. Repair (HIGH in Restorative mineral Sulfur):
Shoothe Sensitive skin and Diaper Rash, Fights against irritation, inflammation and discomforts.
2. Refine (HIGH in Zinc regenerating properties):
Promote cell growth and epidermal repair, Fights inflammation and Skin Redness, Prevent dandruff and maintain healthy hair.
3. Reshield (HIGH in Powerful anti-oxidant Selenium):
Reinforces skin’s defense against pollution damages and UV Rays, Fight signs of aging.
20 minerals such as Calcium, Ca; Aluminium, Al; Selenium, Se; Barium, Ba; Strontium, Sr; Magnesium, Mg; Copper, Cu; Titanium, Ti; Nitate, NO3; Gold, Au; Zinc, Zn; Phosphorus, P;
Iron, Fe; Molybdenum, Mo; Potassium, K; Lithium, Li; Sulphate, SO4;
Sodium, Na; Manganese, Mn. Calcium Carbonate: CaCO3.
This PureSwiss Thermal Spring Water can be used from head to toe which are Hair, Scalp, Face, Body, Hand, Feet and Nails.
Aqua (Swiss Bad Schinznach thermal spring water), Nitrogen, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Benzoate.
Formulasi 7 NOs pada Clinelle yang tidak menggunakan kandungan berbahaya, yaitu :
• Tanpa pewarna buatan
• Tanpa pewangi buatan
• Tanpa lanolin
• Tanpa minyak mineral
• Tanpa SD-alkohol
• Tanpa kandungan komedogenic
• Tanpa paraben
Clinelle tidak menggunakan kandungan berbahaya yang dapat menyebabkan kulit iritasi, penuaan dini dan menurunnya kesehatan kulit.
How to use:
Spray throughout your face. Leave it to work for few minutes then gently pat dry. Spray on as often as necessary.
It’s not too difficult to press, which is good. and it sprayed many ways and directions so even if you just put it in the middle of the face it will spread out okay.
It may seems just water to you, but it’s not! so don’t forget to close your eyes!
This is serious, I didn’t close my eyes once and it has this weird feelings that I have to take off my lenses and wash it first.
It has no taste (yes I taste it, just so you know, make sure)
Aku sebenernya agak takut pake ini pertama kali karena pernah dapat pengalaman breakout parah karena pake thermal water. I KNOW IT’S THERMAL WATER, AKU JUGA GAK TAU KENAPA BISA BREAKOUT jadi jerawatan parah dulu. But I’m not that type who generalised everything because of one incident. SO, I decided to give this one a chance. Let’s talk about it!
I’ve use this not everyday but quite often, as my face is quite sensitive especially to makeup and sun.
I walk home from work cos it’s so damn close, but I got off of work at 12 p.m. which you know it’s super hot outside right? So when I got home, I use this PureSwiss Thermal Spring Water and it calms my skin in a few minutes, my skin feels refreshed and calm, even the pores back closing. hahaha
Has no effect to my scar redness due to acne but overall redness works just great.
IT DOESN’T CAUSE ME ANY BREAKOUT instead whenever I feel like my face protested and uncalm, I spray this to my face and one thing I know my skin stop protesting. It’s super great.
My skin conditions isn’t that great either but this help calms it down jadi ga lebih parah dari apa yang udah parah, still figuring out perfect skincare for my face to reduce ance scars.
Sempet pakai ini di bagian yang abis di cukur, and it works wondefully. Ga ada rasa perih afterwards tho. it indeed soothes my irritated skin. I’m not sure if everyone who use this has experienced this or not but when I use this, I feel abit of hot feeling effect which is temporary, I’m not sure what that means but it doesn’t have any effects afterward, just abit ‘hot’ abit a while.
Let’s move on to
Clinelle Hot Body Cream
Now this type of cream I have never try in my entire life. just because it doesn’t really peek my interest in buying it and trying it on until Clinelle. So yes, it’s my first time ever! am so excited!
A High performance and natural body shaping cream that visibly trims body contour, improves skin elasticity and firmness. Rich in technologically advanced natural active ingredients derived from organic Brown Algae extracts, it effectively reduces the appearance of body fat, unsightly lumps and dimples.
It helps you to get this benefits:
– Tighten the skin area of the arms and thighs
– Helps form contours and tighten the body skin
– Disguise cellulite
– Moisturize the skin
Good thing it has NO PARABEN!
The box outside quite explained in detail of how to use, and all the informations you needed.
They claimed to have clinically proved that ti will help you with shaping your body in 7 days. but result may vary. jadi emang balik lagi tergantung orang nya. But for me personally, it won’t show you too much of a difference if you only wear it for 7 days, so you have to use it at least a month.
This cream can be used on arms, thighs, belly and legs.
You have to know that I only use this one tummy.
Aqua (water), Caprylic/Capri Triglyceride, Propylene Glycol, Glycerin, Phenoxyethanol, Acrylamide/Sodium Acryloyldimethyltaurate Copolymer, Parfum (from natural sources), isohexadecane, Vanillyl Butyl Ether, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Polysorbate 80, Phyllacantha Fibrosa Extract, Sorbitan Oleate, Sphacelaria, Scorpia Extract, Hydrolzyed Algae Extract.
ShapeUp Fast 1cm in 3days!
88.1 % – skin is Moist & Hydrated
90.5 % – skin is Softer
81.0% – skin is more elastic
83.3 % – skin is smoother
73.8 % – Felt there is slimming effect
81.0 % – Felt there is firming effect
52.4 % – Felt there is whitening effect
100% – Overall impression of this product is good
There are 4 main efficacies:
– Pheoslim G: visibly trims body shape
– Scopariane: significantly reduces stubborn cellulite and smooth skin unevenness.
– 3m3 Whiteris G: functions as melano-minimizer for fairer skin.
– Apicot Seed Oil: intensely moisturises nourishes and rejuvenates with a pleasant scent.
I got their full size tube in 170ml.
Nah cream ini punya namanya SenseHot thermal action, that warms up the skin for immediate penetration of active ingredients into the skin untuk hasil dan efek yang maksimal.
Digunakan pagi dan malam, dengan mengaplikasinya circular motion di area yang dimau selama 5 menit setiap area.
I only use this at night karena seringkali pagi suka telat bangun or bangunnya mepet jadi ga sempat pakai.
Nah, Kalo yang Clinelle Hot Body Cream punya Formula 6 Nos (bisa kalian liat dibawah)
and formulated in France.
Comes with 5 stainless steel roller-ball massage applicator to maximize the slimming effect on application.
Cara pakai:
Putar aplikator nya sesuai tanda ON/OFF nya. ON untuk menggunakan, OFF untuk menutup kembali. Setelah diputar ke ON, bisa kalian press dan nanti akan keluar cream, amount nya sesuai yang kalian mau. Massage by rolling over on desired area such as arms, thighs, legs and tummy.
repeat for 5 minutes on each area every morning and evening.
Ini ON nya.
ini OFF nya.
Setelah di press, nanti cream nya kluar di tengah (seperti contoh gambar dibawah) baru diaplikasikan ke desired area.
Now, let’s discuss about this cream, shall we?
first, IT HAS SUPER NICE SMELL! mungkin kayak bubblegum scent? sweet scents and not disturbing, at all! I quite love the scent tho.
The cream isn’t sticky at all, it’s quite watery and it absorbed so fast. But since it has SenseHot thermal action, dari abis pakai langsung berasa super panas. it’s really really hot and this quite disturbing but I know this how Hot Creams works, duuh! like the name! HOT CREAM.
I can’t use this in the morning also because of this. I have cranky stomach every morning, and I took care of Autistic Children as my job, so it’s not proffesional if in the morning aku terganggu sama panas nya karena aku pakai Hot Cream nya. But at night, okay, karena I could always go to sleep.
It does has that tingling feeling di area yang dipake. abit tho, not much.
I only wear this on my tummy cos aku ga tahan panas nya di arms and thighs. Maybe I will use it later but for now I only use it on my tummy.
I only use this like for just a week, BUT! it may not be much, but, I do see something different.
A week before I use this, I measure my tummy. it was 87.5. I know. Aku lagi paling tergendut segendut- gendutnya dari yang pernah aku gendut (Sorry if it doesn’t make sense)
and look at what I see. 85!
No diets, No exercising, Yes Cakes and sweets and still I minimized abit! yeyy!
I’m kinda freaking out, like is this for real? but I only use it for a week and only at night?
I guess it works for me then?
The result may vary tho on different people. it makes me want to try it somewhere else such as arm and thighs. I have many cellulites at my thighs due to massive weight gain from 65 to 70kg in about half a year.
Berarti aku harus tahan panas kalo mau pake di arms and thigh karena i can’t tolerate that ‘hot’ before.
then I will try to post an update on the results after a month of usage.
For the price:
PureSwiss Thermal Spring Water 300ml – Rp229.000,-
Hot Body Cream 170g – Rp289.000,-
I’m so happy to be introduced to these products and I hope I give quite information to you guys my readers.
See you on my next post.