Lip balm. I can’t live without lip balm. Hmmm quite dramatic ya? Hahaha 😀 But it’s quite true since I have a dry lip and in its worst condition, sometimes it’s chapped. To prevent that from happening, I use lip balm. I have tried many lipbalms untill I found my holy grail lip balm that I’m gonna do the review today: Cyber Colors Lip Balm. (^0^)/
The first time I tried it, it’s in kiwi flavour. But for my second purchase up until now the fourth puchase, I got it in olive flavour. So check it out 🙂
This is the ingredients if just in case you want to know. I haven’t checked it one by one because i’m too lazy of doing it :p
The tube comes in nice silver colour. Every flavour has their own colour. Kiwi has golden tube, avocado has pink tube, and this olive has silver tube. 🙂
- The packaging. It comes in tube, just like lipstick, so it’s easier to apply and no worry at all about hygience just like when you use tin lip balm.
- It heals my lip condition. When my lip is chapped, I apply it overnight and when I wake up, my lip is hetting better. :DD
- It gives a sheer gloss to lip so even if you don’t apply any lipstick or lipgloss, your lip will just look healthy and great.
cyber colors tu merk mana say?
kok br denger ini.. hehehe XD
aku jg baru tahu pas k Sasa. Hahaha.. Aku jg bingung sih ini merk Hong Kong atau Korea tp di web sasa sih ditulis country of origin: Korea. Jadi mungkin buat di Korea tapi merk Hong Kong kali ya 😀 worth to try lho lip balmnya xD
Great review!
Halo makasi udah mampir ke blogku.. menjawab pertanyaanya kalau mau beli ELF disini say:
Pertama kali denger merek Cyber Colors.hehehe harganya berapa sis?
Btw, nice vblog..I'm following you now… Salam Kenal ya ^^
thank you ^^
wahhh makasi ya ud mampir dan menjawab. aku blm pnh nyoba elf, jd pengen nyobaa krn harganya lumayan murah :3
iy kyny merk nya ga gt terkenal di sini tapi kualitasnya oke 😀 harganya lebi kurang antara 50rb-60rb. 🙂
Salam kenal jg yaaa (^0^)/
mau nyoba deeh
smoga cocok jg d kamu yaa 😀
how much is this? semua lip balm ku uda mulai habis! mesti cepet cepet beli yg baru! haha 😀