Hey girls.. How are you?
Today I want to make short review about Princess Syahrini Eyelashes that D’Eyeko kindly sent to me for review purpose. ^^ Why short review? Because photos will tell much more than words right? XD *plak
D’Eyeko produces various kind of premium eyelashes made from 100% natural human hair and it’s a handmade. They have basic series lashes and celebrity line lashes. The celebrity line lashes are Olga Lydia lashes, Cherybelle lashes, and Princess Syahrini lashes?
Who doesn’t know Syahrini by the way? She’s famous nowadays in Indonesia with her unique statement, like: sesuatu banget, and her lashes: bulu mata anti badai.
D’Eyeko does collaboration with Syahrini to create 5 series of lashes that have a pretty name: Surya Kencana, Cendrawasih, Cakrawala, Khatulistiwa, and Merak. They sent me Khatulistiwa and Merak lashes. ^^
The packaging doesn’t look cheap at all, yes because it’s a premium eyelashes. The purple colour makes it look elegant.
I forgot to take close up pic of the merak eyelashes. But you can see it clearly from above pic that this lashes is quite unique, it has more volume from the middle until the end, it’s perfect to create longer eye look.
And the most famous one is the khatulistiwa eyelash. It has double lash and made from natural hair, it is created to simplify our life, we don’t need to use multiple lashes to create that glamorous look, with this lashes is enough. 😀
Honestly, I need extra time to convince myself to use this eyelash, because it will look too lebay for me. But I am wrong. Hahaha.. After using it, it doesn’t look lebay at all.
It is really suitable for party look, because of the thickness it has. It is kinda feel heavy on my eyes because of the double lashes. But I really love the result!
What do you think? Which one suits me better? ^^
D’Eyeko Princess Syahrini Eyelashes is really worth to try. You can feel the softness of the lashes and the design is really pretty, with glue attached in its packaging, is really a must have item for false eyelashes lover. The quality is comparable with international false lashes.
For more information about D’Eyeko Eyelashes, you can check their facebook or twitter.
in Reviews
I love the 2nd pair on you – they're quite dramatic ! They're more for parties or for taking cute selcas I think ^^
ii sexy banget waktu pakai yang khatulistiwa ^^
you look beautiful as always dua-duanya cocok >.<
lebih suka yang merak..hehehe cantik semua fotonya ^^
sexyyy bangeet boo foto" yg make baju hitam 😀 tp jatuhnya di mata lebih apik yg pertama ce, lebih nyatu gitu di mata
I do love katulistiwa on you 🙂 very cute.
… u look like an adult woman with the fuschia lipstick, love it
yes i agree.. it's too excessive for everyday look ^^
thank you, Jes ^^
thank you ^^
hihi.. skali2 tampil beda xD
iyaa, yg kedua agak susah pasang d mata krn ketebelan >.<
lbi natural ya soalnya sha :3
makasihhhh :*
hihi iy kahhh? XD
makasih syang, tp klo dr segi foto, aku lebi suka yg khatulistiwa :3
cantik banget, jadi model majalah jepang deh!=D suka look yang kedua!hehe
Suka foto yg pake khatulistiwa… Sexyyyy.. Yg merak manis..
Suka smua hahaha
cantiiiiikkkk.. 2 2 nya cantikkk.. <3 ihihihi
makasih git hihi (^0^)/
ahahahaa makasih dewi cantik :*
hahaha jd model majalah indo aja blm bs ce, apalagi majalah jepang xD
makasihh, aku jg suka yg kedua ^^
yg merak bagus ee :3
Super sexeh ii… CUANTIK!!! Foto kedua? Ampun iii >.< *kasi banyak kecup* *angkat jempol*