
Etude House Rosy Tint Lips #7 and #8 and Drawing Show Creamy Pencil RD304 Review

When Etude House released their Rose collection, the one that really caught my eyes is Sulli’s lip colour. It looks so good. So of course I bought it and I think I made a right choice 😀
Well who doesn’t love the box? I do love it so much, it looks so beautiful, especially the red one. The red box is for tint no.1 and 8 while other colours use white box.
With a tinge of red, she blossoms like a rose in full bloom, The story of her and the rose, & Rose…
Rosy Tint Lips
This velvet type Tint Lips comes with a soft delicate texture and rich color to express lips of a rosy petal.
Tip 1.) Delicate Petal Lip Gradation: Dab a certain amount onto center of upper and lower lips and use tip to evenly spread.
Tip 2.) Rose in Full Bloom Lip Cover: Smoothly glide onto lips, starting from inner to outer direction.
Tip 3.) Soft Petal Cheeks: Dispense a certain amount and dab lightly onto both cheeks, blending quickly with fingers.
[Net Wt.] 7g
The colour I purchased are #8 
The manufactured date is written clearly at the bottom of the box.
The tube itself is so plain compared to the box. Why don’t they make it as pretty as the box? >.

What do you think?

Written by virgo

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  1. Tea Rose cakep kok ce aq suka warna" gitu plus di cece pake poni jd imut bgt 😀 tp emang males bgt dah klo hrs dipencet bgt buat ngeluaisinya, biasany klo di aq lsg keluarny kelebihan, itu jd wangi bunga ya ce keras g bauny ? klo kejilat rasa pahit ? *takut bgt ngalami kyk peripera py q lg >.<
    itu y ampun eyelinerny cakep bgt di cc, cihuy ada artis korea lewat :p

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