When Etude House released their Rose collection, the one that really caught my eyes is Sulli’s lip colour. It looks so good. So of course I bought it and I think I made a right choice 😀
Well who doesn’t love the box? I do love it so much, it looks so beautiful, especially the red one. The red box is for tint no.1 and 8 while other colours use white box.
With a tinge of red, she blossoms like a rose in full bloom, The story of her and the rose, & Rose…
Rosy Tint Lips
This velvet type Tint Lips comes with a soft delicate texture and rich color to express lips of a rosy petal.
Tip 1.) Delicate Petal Lip Gradation: Dab a certain amount onto center of upper and lower lips and use tip to evenly spread.
Tip 2.) Rose in Full Bloom Lip Cover: Smoothly glide onto lips, starting from inner to outer direction.
Tip 3.) Soft Petal Cheeks: Dispense a certain amount and dab lightly onto both cheeks, blending quickly with fingers.
[Net Wt.] 7g
The colour I purchased are #8
The manufactured date is written clearly at the bottom of the box.
The tube itself is so plain compared to the box. Why don’t they make it as pretty as the box? >.
in Reviews
Etude House Rosy Tint Lips #7 and #8 and Drawing Show Creamy Pencil RD304 Review
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After Blossom is really a nice color, also the red Drawing Show Pen is nice. Both are perfect autumn colors. 🙂 thanks for you reviews 😀
Oh no!!! You have EH rosy tints already? >.< I was supposed to send you one for our swap. LOL
the after blossom one really pretty la love it! <3
and i love the pencil liner, the color is so gorgeous *^^*
don't worry i'll definitely vote for you ce hehe 😀
After Blossom is really a nice color, also the red Drawing Show Pen is nice. Both are perfect autumn colors. 🙂 thanks for you reviews 😀
iy me really love it too, jes XD
so unique right? 😀
thank you for the support, jes :* :*
ahahaha mhisha, it's okay.. i don't mind having two :p
yes both are very suitable for autumn, Fraulein ^^
Astagaaa ci nebar racunnn muluuuu 🙁
Cantik 2-2nya aku suka warnany cocokkk lagi sama cici.
Uuuuh flawlessnyaaaaa *envy* bagiiiii flawlessny dikittttt dong >.<
duh yang no 8 cakep banget ce <3
makin mantap beli yg nomor #8 Rin//emg sulli pake itu bagusss..kmu jugaaa 😀
cakeeepppp :*
I love the red eyeliner!!! xD hahaha pengen cobain rosy lips juga cuman pada bilang susah dipencet ya :s
kamu lucu kalau pakai poni!!
cakep2 warnanya
susah dipencet tp worth it gab! 😀
bagus bgt mmg no 8 ini wi duhhhh *.*
hahahha makasihhh jadi mayuuu XDD
banget sha bagus bgt wrnanyaaaaaa ><
hahhaha racun yg bkin bahagia kan gpp na ditebar 😀
makasih na, aku krg suka tp sm yg no 7 🙁
pakai makeup kok itu naaaa XD
hahhahaa lucu krn makin tembem kliatannya ya dit? ;_;
iy cakep2 warnanyaaa <3
I've been wanting After Blossom for awhile now, but I was worried after reading so many reviews saying the plastic is too hard to squeeze T_T But the colour is so pretty!
And the pink eyeliner looks amazing too! It's something unusual and different~
uwaaa aku juga lagi nunggu pesenan rosy tint no 8 hehehehehhehe…..warnanya cakep banget kaya orangnyaaa :p
LOL kadang kalo belom di poles lagi pake jari belom afdol yaaa lip product apapun itu, hihi tbh rin, yg #7 itu lucuk anet warnanya di kamuhhhh >,< I need to get that #8 asapppp, nice review cantik <3
warnanya baguuss and you're so gorgeouss ♥ *rhymed accidentally lol
btw teksturnya rosy tint ini mirip sama fresh cherry atau lebih thick ya? kliatannya kok thick gitu ._.
tembem tp masih ttp cantik :3 hihi
nice post as usual <3
Aaa yang ini racun,jarang"aku keracun sama lipennya korea punya ,nice post ^_^
suka after blossom nya..so pretty !!
Perfect deh Rin. Kulit mulus, cantik, bibir seksi, Topppp ^_^
ih bakal kena racun lagi nich.. kmren naksir ma packaginnya cm blm brani beli…
btw kamu cantik bgt loch pake poni liatnya seger
tapi no 7 bagus looh d bibir cici. >.<
lippen cici banyaak yaa kayaknya >.<
looks pretty on u 🙂
nice review, I plan to try it too
yg no 8 cakep banget warna nya rin..
cocok pulak di kamu <3 ^^
ceee tembem pun dirimu tetap nomer 1 dihatikuuu lallalala >.< anyway itu eyeliner merahnya lucu syekali yaa 😀
racun ni racunn loohhh >.<
Tea Rose cakep kok ce aq suka warna" gitu plus di cece pake poni jd imut bgt 😀 tp emang males bgt dah klo hrs dipencet bgt buat ngeluaisinya, biasany klo di aq lsg keluarny kelebihan, itu jd wangi bunga ya ce keras g bauny ? klo kejilat rasa pahit ? *takut bgt ngalami kyk peripera py q lg >.<
itu y ampun eyelinerny cakep bgt di cc, cihuy ada artis korea lewat :p
Tea Rose looks gorgeous on you (even though it's peachy orange on your lips)! I can't pull off darker colors lol.
ohh noo wayyy, keren sekali rosy rosyyy gt packagingnya !!!
uda ada di etude indo blm yah ??
it's not that hard, tulip, but yes it's hard ._.
because the color is really worth it, i think you should try it! and yes the eyeliner color is so unique ^^
bener banget yes hahaha XD
masa sih lucu? natural banget ya wrnanya?
huahahhaa no 8 memang bagus bgt wrnanya yessss <3
hihi smoga cpet smpai git 😀
huahahaha bs aja nih si gita menggombal XD
*hug back*
hahaha rhymed accidentally ya trid 😀
hmmm dia lebi thick, ga watery ky fresh cherry.. aku lebi suka tekstur ky gini sih jd hasilnya lebi keliatan juga 😀
ahahahaha ud saingan sm bakpao tembemnya XD
makasih vee :*
Hi mon 😀
iy keren banget kan yaaa 😀
blm ada nih kyny mon hihi…
thank you, dear ^^
but why can't you? >.<
ahahahhaa imut2 ya XP
iy makanya shan, aku super pelan mencetnya, takut ntar muncrat XD
hmmm klo kejilat ga pahit kok, cm wanginya awalnya agak kuat, bentar doank kok tp 😀
huahahaha masi jauh dr artis korea XD
bangetttt :3
aihhh si mey menggombal nih huahahhah XD
iy lucu ya wrnanyaa :3
hihi iy cakep banget wrnanya fan *.*
makasihhhh ^^
aku ngincer yg tea rose deh, warnanya bagus :3
eyelinernya keren banget XD Jadi sexy keliatannya hehe 😀 😀
kyaaa kyaaa kyaaaaaaaa poninya lucu banget >w< #salahfokus
aku suka deh yang brown pink :3
thank you, Queen ^^
tell me what you think about it later~
hahaha ini racun bgt sih mmg XD
iy kah? makasih shan, aku ga biasa liatnya :p
ah lusi bs aja, itu kn krn makeup ^^
samaaa! 😀
mmg bagus sih ini vi, wajar klo keracunan 😀
halo,, ini aini atau eve? 😀
iy warnanya bagus ya hihi.. jd kliatan misterius XD
suka yg tea rose yaa? bagus mmg warnanyaa :3
bahahaha yg lucu poninya yaa XD
brown pink yg manaa? :O
wuaahh.. kyknya ini lebi bagus dari cherry tint yah.. hihii
Nggak fokus nih kak -______- malah liatin selfie :p
selfie ke-2 sama ke-5 lucuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. imut :3
sukaaa banget reviewnya siiis…
jadi makin yakin pengen beli ini lip tint 😀
salam kenal sis, mampir juga k blog saya yaaa spa biar bisa sharing 🙂