Hello Bunnies❤
This probably the first time ever I review hair treatment at salon, just because I barely do hair treatment at salon, I usually do it by myself at home. So i’m super excited with this.
Sebenernya untuk rambutku sendiri ga bermasalah namun beberapa hari belakangan ini, kulit kepalaku gatel-gatel, sangat! ga tau kenapa tiba-tiba aja gitu.
Dan disaranin lah L’OREAL HAIR SPA for sensitive scalp.
When I told them I got itchy scalp, they suggested that one maybe because my scalp is in fragile state. Dan aku pun oke dengan itu, karena treatment lain itu kalau ga buat rambut yang habis di color/perm/smoothing or yang buat perbaikan rambut rusak dan kering atau rontok. Sedangkan aku lagi ga dalam kondisi itu semua. This probably the first time I try L’oreal Hair Spa for Sensitive scalp.
Untuk aku yang tinggal di Tangerang, ke salon ini butuh perjuangan sih. POINTCUT Salon lokasinya di Bendungan Hilir. yes, it’s so far from my house. But that’s okay.
Waktu aku sampai, aku suka design salon nya yang aku bilang keren dan khas Irwan Team banget!
Setelah aku keliling buat foto salon, I changed my clothes biar baju ku ga kotor selama proses treatment nanti.
After I changed my clothes, the one’s doing my hair, washed my hair and I’m hair treatment ready!
Here’s the L’oreal Hair Spa cream and the Ampule for Sensitive Scalp.
L’oreal Hair Spa ini diperuntukan lebih ke scalp dan akar ketimbang batang rambut.
Ampule nya ada 3 type; Sensitive, Oily and for Dandruff
Aku juga ambil basic Manicure and Pedicure. Udah agak lama dari waktu aku terakhir Manicure Pedicure. Jadi disini ada Mba Okta (Pedicure), Mba Novi (Manicure) dan Mas Wawa (yang handle hair treatment aku). They’re really doing such a great job! I love how my nails looks like and feels afterward.
Sambil Manicure-Pedicure, I got my head and shoulders massaged by Mas Wawa. I kinda felt sore before on my neck and shoulder, so it’s really good to get some massage.
After done with the massaged, Mas Wawa hot-steamed my head for 10 minutes, agar treatment and vitamin lebih meresap dalam rambut dan scalp.
After 10 minutes, I washed my hair and now it’s ready to be styled.
The Whole process (Hair Spa, Manicure-Pedicure, wash and blow) took prox. 45-50mins
They provide Coloring, Perming, Smoothing, and Hair Treatment. Not too mention, Manicure and Pedicure.
Now my hair is done, my scalp is clean, I don’t feel itchy anymore, I feel super fresh and my hair is super healthy, my nails are nicely done, it makes me very very happy.
If you have any problem like mine, you could consider visiting here and try their L’oreal Hair Spa Treatment. You can find them:
Jalan Bendungan Hilir Raya, Blok. G1 No. 8
Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta 10220
(021) 5742661
I hope you enjoy my review as much as I enjoy editing and writing it for you guys!
If you have any questions regarding to this, just ask me on the comment box below, and I will answer it for you
Deedee Young