
Korea Romantic Winter Tour Day 1

Are you guys excited for this post? Even me, the one that will write it, feel excited to start writing about it. Hihi ^^ And I warn you, this post is pic heavy. Almost all pics that I have taken are included in this post. Hahahaha XD
So the journey started on November 18, 2013. Took flight with Korean Air, departure time is 10.55pm. I went to the airport on 7pm. -_____- My mom always afraid that we will stuck at traffic jam, so it’s better to arrive early, she said. Well nothing much to do in the airport, so I just ate frozen yoghurt. Actually the purpose was just so I have a place to sit. Huahahhaa :p
Finally the time to depart arrive. I asked for window seat and I got it, I guess because it’s not full since there’s no person sit beside me. 😀
This is what I ate for too early breakfast: beef with potatoes and red wine. I hardly slept so I just watched Secret. Have you guys watched it? ^^
After a long flight, finally I arrived at Incheon International Airport. It felt so good to be back there :’)
But I didn’t take any photo because I was too lazy to take my camera out. *slapped*
There are 12 of us that will join this tour but the first batch that arrived was three of us. Lily from Cambodia and Seol Ki from Singapore. *look at my tired face* ;_:
When we stepped outside from the airport, omg it’s so cold! The wind blowed that made me feel cold. -____-
It took around 1 hour from Incheon to Seoul. We would stay at Somerset Palace Hotel, near Gyeongbokgung Palace. But unfortunately, we couldn’t do early check in. >....

What do you think?

Written by virgo

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  1. Aaaaaaa kakak suka Jang Geun Seuk jugaaa? ME TOO! Dia satu-satunya cowok korea yang aku sukaaaaa banget 🙂

    Btw, nggak bisa berhenti nganga liat foto-fotonya kak :0 cantik banget yah kak di sana pemandangannya ^^

    Semoga bisa kesana suatu saat nanti 🙁 🙁 mau banget ke korea, tapi maunya pas spring hehehe kalo winter bawa bajunya pasti jadi banyak banget XD

    Oh iyaa, aku suka juga foto yang pohon deket the body shop itu, kak, warm gitu keliatannya >.< terus toko sepatunya lucu bangetttt dekornya, aku malah mau beli bonekanya hihihi XD

  2. If only I live in Seoul, i will totally take you around and even take you to StyleNanda store!! Haha stylenanda emg rada jauh kebelakang gt cee huhu oh oh!! I once went to mangosix that was used for Gentlemen's Dignity filming spot, and that one was hugeeee

    Cee ke korea lagi dongg ;(

  3. Iy donk, aku suka banget sm diaaa kyaaaaa XD
    iy pemandangan di sana oke banget, bersih lagi :')

    aminnnn.. smoga bs k sana.. iy aku jg lebi suka pas spring.. makanya trip yg sebelumny itu aku prginya pas spring hihi.. pemandangannya juga lebi oke.. 😀

    iy itu aku edit warnanya dkit, tp mmg bagus viewnya ^^
    wkwk bonekanya kyny ciri khas tokony XD

  4. Huahhh Fil, too bad you're in Busan and couldn't make it to Seoul that day >.<
    yeahhh i read one blog that gives direction to their store and i think it's too complicated for me to find it alone in the night ;_;
    huahhhhh the one in Gangnam area? envyyyyyy T.T

    doakan ya taun depan bisa k Korea lagi.. kalau aku k Korea lagi kita harus ketemu yaaaaa 😀

  5. Ci ini keren banget >< haduuuh berasa nonton K-drama jadinya xD btw itu yg first snow jangan2 waktunya samaan kaya syutingnya Running Man 174, soalnya di episode itu mereka juga ngalamin first snow gitu hehehe. Mau banget jalan2 ke Korea pas fall/winter gitu. Kerasa gitu romantisnya :p hehehehe. Ayo ci cepet dilanjut 😀

  6. Korea looks so pretty in the afternoon near evening *_* love your photos ! Especially the one in the streets haha. Your hotel room is super nice! And pretty hair bands <3 haha maybe it'd be nicer to visit during spring or summer instead of winter xD seems so cold there at this time around >< so many cosmetic stores how nice *_* can't wait for the next day post!

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