To start my BNT News Beauty Box review, I will start it with review of Graymelin eyebrow products. The color I got is Dark Brown.
The tatoo eyebrow comes inside a black box. The design is very simple and boring *ups*
List of ingredients.
Expiry date.
The tatoo eyebrow comes in a slim black tube, looks just like eyeliner packaging.
The colour of the tatoo eyebrow is written clearly on the surface. Usually we have to look at the bottom of the tube, or at other side of the tube, but that’s not the case for this tatoo eyebrow. 😉
This is what I meant earlier by “other side of the tube”. It’s best to use 6 months after opening the product.
The tip is very thin and sharp. Wow! It’s very easy to draw the pointy part of eyebrow with this. 😀
Swatch on my hand. The colour is not too dark, but if you apply it again and again, of course the colour become darker. ^^
This is the pic from my Simple Tutorial: Get Your Fall/Winter Look.
You can see that at the left picture, my brow is kinda brown. Yes, that’s the effect of the tatoo eyebrow! It’s amazing. Everyday I wash my face and it’s still there. I think it’s more than 5 days now. Until today (6 days), the swatch are still visible on my hands, although it’s not that obvious. So I think the seven in the name of the product really works. It will stays on your eyebrow for around 6 to 7 days, even after washing. ^^
As I have said above, it’s really easy to draw your eyebrow with it. The sharp thin tip makes it easy to draw fake hair that looks just like your real eyebrow. XD And the colour matches my hair too. But I think it’s quite tiring to draw my eyebrow with this product because of the thin tip and my sparse eyebrow hair.
Overall it’s a nice product, it’s my first time trying tatoo eyebrow and I feel positive about this product. I like how it can stay for around 6 days on my eyebrow and the colour matches my hair colour. ^^
This product was sent to me for review purpose. Nevertheless the review is made based on my honest opinion after using the product. Visit BNT News for updated news about Korean fashion, beauty, music, and entertainment. ^^
in Reviews
Graymelin Seven Tatoo Eyebrow #Dark Brown Review
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ehh mirip eyeliner y ce warnanya cakep <3 aku suka sm warna coklat gelap begini <3
Aduh kalo kecoret ga sengaja bisa malu2in selama seminggu x(
This eyebrow tattoo made your eyebrows look so natural! I always thought that liquid eyebrow liner would make the eyebrows too fake and harsh but it looks really nice on you ^_^
Beautifyinglifee ♥
wiiih lumayan nih gak perlu ribet2 ngurusin alis selama seminggu wkwk xD
i'm more of the jet black liners 🙂 but i like the packaging of this product especially when they indicated the shade on the most visible area. thank you for sharing! 😉
This eyebrow tattoo made your eyebrows look so natural! I always thought that liquid eyebrow liner would make the eyebrows too fake and harsh but it looks really nice on you ^_^
Beautifyinglifee ♥
Where can i seriously buy this…………for someone who doesnt even a strain of brow, this is a must tbh
but i dont think this will stay on my super oily skin :/
It looks really natural!
halooo kak ^^ aku yg waktu itu di twitter nanyain soal kamera pink kak >.< hehehe
pengen banget bisa bentuk alis kayak cewek korea gitu, tapi susaaaaaah, gagal mulu hiks
i would be scared that it will be not precise 🙂
I never tried a tatoo eyebrow pencil, but I'm amazed how long it stays even after washing. That sounds really good for people which are too lazy to draw their eyebrows every day. Nice review! ♥
I never tried a tatoo eyebrow pencil, but I'm amazed how long it stays even after washing. That sounds really good for people which are too lazy to draw their eyebrows every day. Nice review! ♥
Ceee alismu rapi amet bisa lurus gitu lgggg, aaaah aku ga iso. T_T
Wow it lasted on your brows for 6 days! It only lasted for four on mine. 🙁
Have you tried all the skin care products from the bnt beauty box yet? It's a lot to try for the month…
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ii pinter banget bikin alisnya. Hahaha. Aku sampe kayak sinchan kalo buat alis kayak korean gitu >_<
iy aku pengen cb jdiin eyeliner ah ntar wkk..
iy shan wrna gini kyny cocok jg buat yg rambut itam ^^
Hi Katrina, it's an eyebrow product actually ^^
iy la, klo mau alis natural sih ga usa digambar2 lagi tiap hari hahhaa 😀
i did think like that too, but after trying this product, I changed my mind XD
huahahaha sblm kring cpet2 hapus aja dulu lin :p
if graymelin is difficult to find, you can try etude's or tony moly's. i think they are just the same 😀
hmmmm better try it first, don't be skeptical, bel 😀
i never expected they stay for many days too, Fraulein 😮
i thought it's just a promotion for people buying them but actually it's true 😀
thank you ^^
you can slowly work on it, if it's not precise, you can wipe it first before it;s dried ^^
ohh halo Amanda ^^
mungkin harus agak dicukur dulu ya br bisa.. aku jg dulu ga bs kok >.<
yes it is ^^
ahhh really? >.<
yes i've tried it all, but i'm confused how to do review on them hahaha 😀
sure i will join it ^^
masi blm rapi ituuu huhuhuhu
ini stlah brbulan-bulan br bagus lus, dulu jg ky shinchan hahaha XD