For Korean cosmetics lover, I’m pretty sure that you must have ever heard about Tony Moly.
Tony Moly’s is South Korea’s popular beauty and skin care brand which brings forth a whole new beauty experience with top quality and yet affordable wide range of products. The all natural and organic products with no animal testing or specimen contents comen in chic and stylish packaging.
Every Tony Moly products is researched and developed with the following mottos in mind: Quality, Innovation, and Creativity for today’s modern and aspiring young men and women.
Vision: Evolution of skin health by providing a chic, stylish yet affordable lifestyle products.
Founded in Korea in 2006, Tony Moly has presence in South Korea, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Myanmar, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, and now INDONESIA. 😀
I read from Female Daily forum that Tony Moly has opened its first store in Mall Taman Anggrek, Jakarta. So when I went to Taman Anggrek yesterday, I was so excited to go to the store :p
Here are some of the photos of the store:
The BA that explained to me some of Tony Moly’s products yesterday ^^
Along with its vision to provide chic, stylish yet affordable products, I can see that the store fit that chic stylish style. No pinky pinky colour or princess-design, it’s really simple but you will feel comfortable in it. 😀
I browsed through the stores for around 3-4 times until my friend got bored. Huahahah xD Because I wanna do purchase Rp 500.000 to get the member card so I should do smart shopping B)
I can conclude that the products there are not overpriced, unlike other Korean brands in Indonesia imo. The price isn’t too difference from ordered on online shop. But seems like not every Tony Moly’s products are available there. I couldn’t find Egg Pore Blackhead Out Oil Gel and Ice Queen pack there. Well, those two products are quite popular so I can remember it :p But other products like Tomatox Brightening Mask, Fruit Princess Lip Gloss, Backstage Gel Eyeliner, etc are all available there.
I am so happy to see Tony Moly’s store in Jakarta. I wish more and more Korean beauty company will open their store in Indonesia. 😀
in Reviews
Oh uda buka di TA yah *W*
waktu kesana dulu baru liat papan namanya aja :s
sebelumnya km uda pernah coba product nya? 🙂
iy ud buka sebulanan katanya 😀
ud pernah kok, ud beberapa yang aku review: Backstage Gel Eyeliner sm Kiss Kiss Lip Scrubnyaa..Silakan dibaca Jhul ^^
ok aku liat2 dulu 😀
belum pernah make productnya sih.. cuma sempet liat mascaranya ada yg lucu kemasannya hahaha 😀
cat wink mascara ya? iy lucu tuh bntuk kucing :3
wah.jadi pengen balik ke jkt lagi…jkt memang dunia shopping nii..
bikin ngiler..:'(
ahhh tony moly ^^ smoga bs segera buka di sby ><
emankny dewi ga bakal balik lg ya k jkt? 😮 iy dunia shopping bgt mmg, smua adanya d jkt -,-
aminnn smoga sgera buka cabang d surabaya 😀
pengen ke jakarta,,,,,,,,
Wow! nice pictures and great blog 🙂
I am following you now, I wonder if you want to follow me also.
Wow! nice pictures and great blog 🙂
I am following you now, I wonder if you want to follow me also.
I saw Toly Moly (pretty much everywhere) in Seoul but it was one of the brands I didn't pick up from.. wished I tried something from their brand now!
Ya ni rin..paling kalo ke jkt pas ada acara keluarga aza si..:(
Dibali aza baru bln kemaren opening etude house store..mgkn tony moly bisa tahun depan atau tahun depannya lagi..sad mode on…
Btw thank you for sharing..jadi ntar pas aku ke jkt bisa mampir :).
Such a nice post dear! Love it max 🙂
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Karina Dinda R. ♥
How are you, ?
Wonderful blog …extremely feminine … charming … beautiful post. Congrats
for your work. Well, passing to say hello, nice to read your text.
If you like the poetry I invite you to my space,
thank you.
Happy day my dear friend!.
thank you dear.. sure i will follow you too ^^
yes, i think it must be everywhere in Seoul since it's quite popular.. too bad, why don't you try their products? It's not bad.. I have tried some of their products and quite satisfied with it so I wanna try more (^0^)/
thank you sweety :*
i've joined it.. thank you for the info ^^
Hi Nelson.. Thank you for stopping by.. I've checked your blog and sure I like poetry.. ^^
Have a nice day too. 😀
will try to go there for sure,
mahal ga ci?
.stranger madness.
We don't have that store here =(
Awwww those fruit lip balms are so adorable!
engga kok, ga semahal toko Etude yg di mall2 Claire 😀
where do you live, Kiwi? 🙂
yes, those eggs too >.<
I live in Canada =D
ohhh tony moly …. kapan kau ke bali *ala dukun ~ comot satu applenya, wkwkwkwkwkwk