One of the most famous liptint from Etude House is Fresh Cherry Tint (or that’s what I think :p ) and now I have a chance to try two of three colours available and review them, thanks to Koreabuys ^^
Ain’t the packaging lovely? Especially the box, it really represents Cherry 😀 And the tube is pretty too, kind of curvy, and the colour matches the color of the lip tint itself.
Fresh Cherry Tint is available in 4 colours: #RD301 Red, #PK001 Pink, #OR201 Peach and #PK002 Hot Pink. The colours I got are red and pink :3
Capacity: 9gr.
This products is categorized as old product in Etude House family, compared to some new tint they introduced this year, but it has been repackage if I’m not mistaken, and the production date is still around this year too ^^
I really love this colour. The pink color is very natural, as if it’s my original lip colour 😀
While for the red colour, it’s not really my preference. When it comes to red colour, I prefer true red colour, like my lip colour on Must Have Red post here
For the staying power, i should say that it shows why its name is tint. Hahahha.. Cause it’s so long-lasting, even after I drink or eat, and even when I just try to remove it with lip & eye makeup remover, it’s so hard to remove XD
It has a nice cherry scent, just like its name! XD But don’t try to lick it or if you accidentally taste it, it tastes bitter 🙁
What I like:
cute tube
long lasting
nice cherry scent
easy to apply
What I dislike:
tastes bitter
If you are looking for a tint that is long lasting and looks really natural on your lips, this might be a good choice. Personally I prefer the pink one to the red one. ^^
You can buy this at Koreabuys. Koreabuys is an online shop based in Indonesia that sells many Korean cosmetics, some of them are ready stock with really reasonable price. 😉
in Reviews
Etude House Fresh Cherry Tint Review
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The RD301 lip tint's colour looks lovely! It's such a beautiful pink and the packaging is really adorable as well! I love cherries, its a shame that it doesn't taste like cherries though! How awesome would it be 😛
The RD301 lip tint's colour looks lovely! It's such a beautiful pink and the packaging is really adorable as well! I love cherries, its a shame that it doesn't taste like cherries though! How awesome would it be 😛
aku punya yg pertama rin, iya rasanya rada aneh gitu yaa X(
lip produts kamu makin banyaaakkk XD XD
pernah punya yg pink nya 😀 seneng juga sama warnanya hehe 😀
tapi kalo di ak justru ga long lasting T^T
Ooo, thank you for the review ! I have these myself but haven't really tried them yet – I'm actually inspired to use one of them today, hoho. ^-^ I absolutely love love the PK001 colour!
memang ini lip tint dr dulu sampe skrg masi pahit gt y hahaha
suddenly aku jd pgn beli yg pink gr" review kamu wkwk
I'd wish the red one would be more red instead of pink. But these tints look really pretty nevertheless. and as you said, the packaging ist super cute *_*
dua-duanya cakep warnanya ya ^_^
I'm so surprised at how well they turn out! I thought they might be too drying or maybe patchy like some others! I really like the dilute pink red shade, its something I'd get!
dua2nya warna nya cantik bangeet.. jd pengen nyobain juga.. hehehe…
The colors are so so pretty! I still haven't tried a single Etude House lip tint. >_< I'm so behind!
nice color!! I like the red one though! Ughhh I hate when lip tints tasted bitter because I always get them on my teeth – and that would be horrible.
I'd wish the red one would be more red instead of pink. But these tints look really pretty nevertheless. and as you said, the packaging ist super cute *_*
I have the PK001 and I love it this product, both colors looks really pretty on you!
The first one looks really natural on your lips!! the red one looks nice for gradient though. too bad it tastes bitter when it's supposed to be a lip product ;(
paporit q yg pink muda ce <3 nice n comfy klo dipake
i haven't tried this lip tint yet although it's so freaking popular lol
the color looks so glossy *Q* want the pink one! 😀
bibirnyaaa sehat dan cantiiik banget iiii <3 suka banget yang warna pink! cocok di bibirrr kamuuu… ^^
Riiiin mesti coba yang warnanya peach atau orangenya deh, aku lupa nama shadesnya apa, cuma itu oke banget buat sehari-hari. nice one, say <3
Warnanya bagus banget ceee x)
itu kok jdinya kayak lipgloss ya? emg gitu kah ce? 😮
ngeringin bibir gak?
Thank you for the review 😀
aku pernah nyoba yg pink, cakeepp emg warnanya hihi tp sayang agak pahit rasanya T_T
awalnya enak so yummy gitu lama2 jd pahit wkwkwk
bibirmuuu kece banget >_<
waahh.. tertarik buat cobain yang red ^^
tapi di aku berasa manis loh bukan pahit hehehe~
jd pingin nyoba juga >.< ,blognya bagus sis 🙂
Hmmm well it smells like cherry, Fifi 😀
hahaha banget git..
iy tiap hari makin bertambah ._. *guilty but happy at the same time XD
You're welcome, June ^^
Why haven't you tried it? So have you tried it now? 😀
hihi iy wrnanya bagus ya cel 😀
wihhh malah ga long lasting yaa.. di aku ud kena air sgala jg msi susah ilangnya lhoo..
masihh vi, ga brubah2.. hahaha..
hahahha i know you like red colour, fil! most of your photo use red lips 😀
agree, i wonder why must it tastes bitter -_-
hahhaha well Amy, so many things you need to tryyyy XD
hihi iy bagus glor, apalagi yg pink :3
no, Sharlynn, they perform well, except if your lips is already dried, then the result won't be good 🙂
iy lus dua2nya cakep ^^
so do I, Fraulein! hhahaa yes, it's Etude House, right, the one who always has cute packaging 😀
tumben bkn red, shan? :p
yes, i never thought that the pink would look that nice.. actually what I really expect of is the red one but it doesn't turn out as what I want to. 🙁
hihi *high five* 😀
hahahha well, I think I like Peripera's colour better, Jes, but it's more drying..
go go for the pink one 😀
hahhahaa itu efek lip tintnya doank sha, makanya kliatan sehat :3
iy aku jg suka liat yg pink 😀
oh yaa? tp biasanya aku krg cocok pake yg oren yes *atau stidaknya begitu menurut mata aku >.<
iy bagus yaa ;3
awalnya doank kliatan ky lip gloss, Jes, klo ud kering engga kok.. 😉
dan dia ga bkin bibir kering 😀
pahitnya ga nahan ya, ky obat T.T
kece drmn wi.. huahahhaa..
iy kahhh? banyak yg ngerasa pahit tp km malah ngrasa manis ya 😀
coba gih en, ga gt mahal jg wrnanya 😉
makasihhh, panggil aja ^^
dua2nya bagus tapi prefer yg pink, soft bgt warnanya XD
kalo make lip tint ini, sebelumnya harus pake lip balm dulu apa nggak ya? soalnya ada yg bilang ini lip tint bisa bikin bibir jadi kering banget. hhe. suka yg warna pink >.<
Oh great nemu ini jg di blog km rino.. aku emg rencana pengen yg pink.. km pernah review yg dear darling ga? Bagus mana ya rin?
i like that . jadi pengen belikk