Etude House released Water Color Blusher for its spring makeup. Why do they release many cream type makeup recently (and in a cute packaging) ? >.<
It looks like water color for painting, right? ^^
There are 4 colours available: Pink, Coral, Apricot, and Lilac.
It comes in a tube form. Sometimes it's hard for me to squeeze the product out and in the end, the product cames out too much, much more than what I needed. 🙁
The texture of this blush is not like cream, it's more watery, makes it easier to spread and blend.
The colour is very sheer, i have to build the colour to see the colour on my cheeks. It has a nice scent which doesn't stay for long.
However this blush doesn't stay long on my cheeks. At the end of the day (after 8 hours), the blush has completely gone. Never experienced this before with otherblush I have. 😐
For those of you who live in Indonesia, you can buy this at Lovely Pinky shop and by mentioning "purplelyhazel" , you can get 5% off for minimum Rp 100.000 purchase ^^
BB Pin: 28DFE236
Thank you for reading!
in Reviews
It's funny that this blusher looks similar to the too cool for school art class blusher but the consistency of both products is so different. This seems to be much more liquid…
Thanks for the review!
oh I was planning to buy it in pink color but after reading your review I have changed my mind I don't like products that are not long lasting
Aw the packaging is cute but definitely not an effective way to control the amount of product you get out >< The color is pretty though 😀 Thanks for the review! ^^
Klo utk oily skin kira2 cocok ga rin? ^^
bntukny mirip cat minyak #lol Warnany natural bgt jdny +_+ Pengen nyoba yg lilac~
so bad that this blush don't last long in the cheeks 🙁
the packaging is such a cute thing!
It's funny that this blusher looks similar to the too cool for school art class blusher but the consistency of both products is so different. This seems to be much more liquid…
Thanks for the review!
so bad that this blush don't last long in the cheeks 🙁
the packaging is such a cute thing!
The packaging is so adorable! Too bad it's not as handy, but who cares if it's this cute haha. The formula and colours look interesting too, nice review!
★ Cookiie
I have this blush as well and it's my favorite, so maybe it depends on how hot where you live or what products you use with it. Blushes are sorta my thing, and it works well for me.
Honestly this is my favorite blush right now lol! I think it looks more natural than a powder blush and over bb cream + base it lasts me all day, but I also don't live in a hot climate.
it looks really cute, I guess I gonna get myself the lilac one 😀
thnaks for the review ^^
The orange looks so lovely. Too bad it is a bit sheer and not so long-lasting. Love the packaging though. 🙂
yes, although it doesn't last long, but i like the colour so I keep using it ^^
iyaaa mirip cat minyak packagingnya..
hihi,, iy aku jg penasaran sm yg lilac, bakal ky apa d pipi aku warnanya :p
Cocok kok Patricia (atau ada nama panggilan?), kulitku jg rada oily 😀
yes, it's hard to control the amount that get out >.<
you're welcome ^^
yes it depends on the climate you live in. I live in hot climate country so it doesn't long lasting on me 😉
wuaa..packagingnya cute cece. lagi pingin nyoba blush yang warnanya peach/orange. tapi mukaku oily, takutnya ga tahan lama.
interesting sekaallliiii..apricotnya fresh lho…ngiler deh..=D
really? i'm not that interesting with too cool for school's packaging so i don't have that much of their product 😮
i agree! it looks more natural than powder blush 😀
but as for me, i've used base + bb cream before this blush but it doesn't stay all day 🙁
yes as long as it's cute, who cares right xD
thanks for reading, cookie! ^^
yes the packaging is so lovely.. ^^
review it ya, jes, later 😀
iy cee.. perfect for summer, right? 😀
waa thank you so much for the review, fix jadi pengen beli ini >,<
iy packagingnya ga nahan ya, Dev >.<
hmmm ga tahan lama nya ga parah kok, stdknya masi tahan 3 sampai 4 jam 😉
Sama2, Judith.. Km mau beli yg warna apa? 😀
The packaging is really cute~
The packaging is really cute~
Wow cece makasih review nya, pngen yg wrna ini. Fresh bgt <3