So today I wanna do a review for Holika Holika product. Yeayy! (^0^)/
Holika Holika is a Korean brand cosmetics owned by Enprani, which is a very established high-end Korean skincare brand and Holika Holika is endorsed by CN Blue (my fav band xD) and Sistar.
Since I need eyeliner for highlighting my eye corner, I think why not give this Jewel Light Waterproof Eyeliner a try? I have it in Pink Topaz. Their shade names all like jewels >.<
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Eyeliner is a long lasting waterproof eyeliner that stays on your eyes without smudging through sweat or sebum. This eyeliner contains shimmer and glitter to really highlight and define your eyes. Use this eyeliner for a bold eye popping look or to accentuate certain areas of the eye.
Water resistant
Smudge resistant
Pigmented colour
How to use: Starting from the inside corner, fill in between lashes. To use as an eyeshadow, draw a thick line then blend the line into the lid.
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Eyeliner 08 Pink Topaz
This is the manufacture date: February 6, 2012. Still quite new.
Swatch on my hand.
On my eye. I use it on the inner corner of my eye.
My overall look
At first, I was not really sure with this eyeliner because the price is quite cheap. Usually waterproof eyeliner is more expensive. But it turns out that I was wrong! This eyeliner is really good! The texture is so creamy and glides easily on my lids. It also has so much glitters in it so if you like sparkling things, you must love this eyeliner. And yeah it's REALLY waterproof, sweatproof, whatever you name it! It's still there on my eyes for around 8 hours after application without smudging. Amazing, right? 😀 And also I've drawn one line in my leg (:p) and I forgot to clean it. The next day when I look at my leg, wow it's still there even after I had taken bath. ヽ(´∀`)ノ
What I like:
Pretty packaging
Cheap price (around Rp 55.000 or US$ 5)
Waterproof and smudgeproof
Have 8 different colours to choose.
What I dislike: none.
Rating: 5 out of 5. Love it! I think I've found other pencil eyeliner besides Missha that I really like. Besides, it's cheaper than Missha's. 😀
Will I repurchase? Sure! I've ordered shade no.5 Brown Amber ヽ(^◇^*)/
Have you tried this eyeliner and what is your favourite colour? ^^
in Reviews
so tempting >.<
where did you buy it?
christanath's beauty blog
yup you should try this :3
i bought it from Felice Skin Shop at FB, but I think sells it too and ready stock 🙂
Thanks for the review. I'll let my korean unnie know that this is good, since she can't get Urban Decay in Korea!
Oooo! I have been eyeing this for a while now and was curious how waterproof it actually was!
The one U.S. store that I know sells Holika Holika has it for $9+shipping, but if it really works, I think I will buy it!
Such a nice review~~
I want to try this product ^^
nice! i love how it sparkles up your eyes! really pretty! thanks for the review! ^_^~
wow korean unnie? 😀 yes this is really good, you should tell him. i've never used any urban decay products though, but i would love to have their naked palette :3 thanx for reading, Jian. ^^
we've been eyeing for the same thing then xD yes it's really waterproof. Let me know later whether you're satisfied with it or not 😀
what colour do you wanna try Sha? 🙂
thank you Janet ^^ have a nice day ~
it looks so briiiightt, is it that good?( ꒪Д꒪)ノ I mean 5 stars rating XD
it looks so briiiightt, is it that good?( ꒪Д꒪)ノ I mean 5 stars rating XD
i have two of this eyeliner~ and yes! i agree! this product is awesomee!!! and cheap too!! XDD
So cuteee.. and the color pops out really nice too! ^^
I got mine too, in no 5. brown amber if im not wrong. waterproof!!! suka bangeeet!!
ohh the eyeliner looks great, love how you lined your eyes with white and silver at the corner!
hahaha for me, it is that good :p
yeah yeah.. we all happy if all products are good at cheap price xD
yes it is ^^
aku jg lg nunggu pesenanku yg no 5 dtg >.<
it's not white and silver but pink ^^ thank you ~
how cute! love the look; the liner looks super awesome! 🙂
I have been eyeing this because it just looks so pretty! XD I'm a new follower by the way!
yes it is! 😀
yup the packaging is quite pretty :3
thank you and i followed you back too ^^
I use the silver one the most :3
oh wow, i love the color collections! it looks good on you too, dear!!!
thanks for sharing this! 🙂 aigoo…I also love CN Blue XD
what a coincidence, I'm looking for something (maybe eyeshadow stick or pencil liner) to highlight my inner corner, I'll make sure to buy this one then hoho 😀
Gold is my Fav ^^
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I love this too rin!!! so creamy but waterproof and smudgeproof!! ><
yes they also added two or three colour recently, all are so pretty >.<
thank you, Ncy 😀
we should high five then *tosss xD
yes this one is a really good one, i really love this eyeliner and I have 4 colours of them xD
maybe i should add gold to my collection 😀
follow you back dear 🙂
aduh stju bgt dit!! eyeliner favorit inii.. ahahha.. saking smudgeproofny smpe susah klo mau dibkin jd ky eyeshadow gt 😀
This eyeliner looks so pretty on your eyes! :O I want one! ~
Thanks for sharing! ^_^
Oh Sweetie really lovely eyepencil, I really like it! I´m your new follower!
makasih reviewnya.
will definitely buy this when I go to Korea later.
I have mine being ordered too, kyaaaa excited after reading your review 🙂
wow its cheap O_O i might try it. nice review
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hihi thank you Amy.. I'm so in love with this eyeliner xD
you must try this one, it's good.. thank you :*
wahhh kapan k koreanyaaa? xD
ga bakal nyesel deh, i really love this one <3
thank you, i will join it ^^
wah cakep ya begitu dipakai ^^ jadi pengen beli juga hahaha
harganya juga murah lagi. untuk kualitas yang bagus dengan harga segitu mah harus dicoba ya hahahaha XD
thanks for the review!
iyaaa, banyak lg pilihan warnanya :3
Hi, is this an auto pencil or you have to sharpen it?
hi dear, we have to sharpen it ^^
I'm not really sure how to sharpen this… Do we have to have a special sharpener or…?
Thanks 🙂