It’s been a long time since I joined IBB MUC, more than 1 year ago xD Since this month’s MUC really suits my makeup style which is natural glow, I decided to join. ^^
This MUC terms and prizes are a bit different from other MUCs that were already done, it’s for celebrating IBB’s birthday, hence the prize is more spectacular, sponsored by Menard Indonesia.
Without further ado, let’s see my look starting from the first one:
First Look
This is the most natural look I created, suitable to be called as ‘No Makeup’ Makeup Look. Of course the emphasize is on the glowing face. It’s so natural that you can use it even to campus or work. Just draw the eyeliner very subtle and not lengthen it at end of eye. I don’t use mascara or eyeshadow at all hhehehe.. Just CC Cream, CC Balm, Concealer, Face Glow, Eyebrow Crayon, Eyeliner, and Lipstick. I used one of my favourite lipstick: Peripera My Color Lips #20, the nude colour is just perfect for me. 😀
Second Look
I called it as ‘Uljjang Look’ since it focuses on glowing skin, big round eyes and gradient lips. 🙂
Third Look
Honestly I don’t know what should I call this look. It still focusing on glowing skin but with my signature eyeliner style. I like this style of eyeline very much hihi 😀
My version of natural glow makeup is first our face must be flawless. You are so lucky if you’re face has minimal acne scar or redness. Thankfully for me, I can achieve the flawless face with makeup hehehe 🙂
Some foundation or BB Cream already have glowing effect so by just using that product, you will get instant glow. 😉 But you can also add the glow to some part of your face by using highlighter or volumer or face glow. ^^
I think that’s all for this make up challenge. Wish me good luck and for those who participated, good luck too! 😀
IBB Make Up Challenge March 2014: Natural Glow
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Wahhh Rinnnn, flawless banget nget ^_^
Good luck ^_^
mulusss rin! glowing and flawess abis lho 😀
aku lebih suka yang pertama, hihi
wiiih flawless banget ce, good luck yaa ^^
wajahnya muyus banget, pake banyak make up udah oke 😀 rambutnya aku suka banget, lucu yang ada ombre pink nya
Cc cantik banget (T^T), envy aku, kinclong bgtu wajahnya (QwQ) .. Good luck yah ce..
km emg wajib ikut MUC yg bulan ini XD haha
aku jg pgn ikut tp blm smpt bikinn >__<
aku suka yg pertama ^^
Cc cantik banget (T^T), envy aku, kinclong bgtu wajahnya (QwQ) .. Good luck yah ce..
Glowing bgt rin… bagi rahasia donk rin… pasti masuk nominasi km
your skin is nice and glowy 🙂
yg terakhir plg baguus.. =)
Flawless.. glowing.. pretty♥♥♥
Goodluck Rin♥
good luck dear =)
wish you can be the winner!
be friend?
CANTIK BANGET! omg ini mah dipelototin juga ga bisa selesai2.
kinclong banget abisnya. pengen di toel pipinya 😛
Good luck ya!!
Bella /
glowing glowing gini sih ce banget jagonyaa hihi
natural bangett, cantiiikkkkk
cantiknyoooo i >_< good luck ^^
your skin !! always flawless and glowy *mupeng
cantiknya ce *O*
yg pink hair itu hair clip ya ce? kalo rambutnya beneran dikasih highlite pink bakalan keren! cocok sama cece 😀
You look gorgerous! I love your hair *o*
❤ ✿ NEW POST ✿ ❤
You look gorgerous! I love your hair *o*
⤠✿ NEW POST ✿ â¤
inimah princess! ampun deh cantiknya >< rambutnya lucuuuuuu huhuhu suitable for you <3
Yaampun glowy banget *_* itu hairclip apa sungguhan diombre ce? 😮
Keren banget >_<
hahahaa yuhuu efek makeupnya Lus..
makasihhh 😀
maksih La, good luck jg buat km :*
cakeeeeepp ceee <3 aq suka sm gaya ombreny klihatan nyatu hair clipny
hihi makasih wi, aku jg suka yg pertama 😀
hahaha ga lho, aslinya banyak bekas jerawat T.T
iy kebetulan dapat hairlclip ombre jd tes pake deh, eh trnyata bagus XD
hahaha ga afdol ya vi klo ga ikut.. :p
ayo gih ikutan, masi ada wktu smpe bsk 😀
makasih syang, itu efek makeup kok ^^
hahaha pake 3ce face glow shan :p
smoga aja yaaaa>.<
thank you ^^
makasihh ^^
Thank you len 😀
thank you ^^
aaahhaa km bs aja bel XD
makasihhh :*
hihi Bella jg jago kok :*
makasihhh syang ^^
awww thank you Rinako ^^
iy itu hair clip na, ga brani rambutnya dihighlight gt hahhaa xD
makasih yaaa :*
ahahhahaa efek makeup nya nih cin 😀
makasih Sha, bantu doain yaaa :*
hahahaha makasih na, jd beli hair clip nya? :p
hairclip doank jes, ga brani beneran diombre XD
iy shan aku jg ga nyangka hair clipnya nyatu banget sm rambut asli aku 😀
good luck rin, look fab as always ♥♥♥ beninggg pake banget sih km 😀
cece aku sayaaang X-D akhirnya aku nyampe juga kesini setelah jalan2 kemana2 ._. kalau link blog cece sih ak udh hapal mati jd ga akan lupa jalan apalagi nyasar kl mau kesini haha X-D
aku suka banget look yang pertama, Ceeeee <3333 soalnya klihatan effortlessly beautiful ditambah skin yang kelihatan kenyal dan sehat, dan tentu aja light skin nyaaa *0*
aku ikut jg disemangatin cece, tp masih rame2in aja lah jatohnya soalnya masi newbie banget kan lol! good luck ya cecee :*
ps: coba kmrn pas kita ketemu cece pake ombre pink nya aaakkk pengsan akuuu so kawaiii hahahha
I knew you'd join ^^ the first time I saw the theme I was like it's so ^^ haha your dewy makeup is always so flawless teach me your way! Haha you don't look like you have scars or any blemishes with the makeup 😀 hope you'll win 😀
yaaayyy ikutan, pasti menang ini mah ahhahaaa 🙂 ga perlu dikasih ucapan good luck lagi, cantiknya kebangetan soalnya XD
WOW cantik^^ favku yg first look
Love the make up!The face glow looks great on your skin 🙂
aihh makasih vi :* :* good luck for both of us.. lebi bening km kali XD
hahaha cape ga jalan2nya? :p
cieee terharu aku :')
hahahhaa light skin nya kan efek cahaya aja T.T
ga lah, ga ada yang namanya newbie atau apa.. smuanya sama aja kok 😀
good luck :* :*
berat mei klo dibawa k hk wkwkwk, koper kan mau diisi barang belanjaan :p
hahahah you got me, Mis XD
you don't need me to teach you, Mis, you are already flawless, you know >.<
hehehe i covered them with concealer :p
aminn ce ya ampun, ga brani banyak berharap deh, banyak banget yg ikutan soalnya T.T
Awww thank you, Mizu, wish me luck ^^
makasih, Cicilia :3
예쁜~~♥ ♥ yeppeun!! So Pretty ^^ Adore the flawless skin, kalau bole tau face glownya pake yang "bondi beach", "Monaco" or "santo"?
예ìœ~~♥ ♥ yeppeun!! So Pretty ^^ Adore the flawless skin, kalau bole tau face glownya pake yang "bondi beach", "Monaco" or "santo"?