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Laneige Beautiful Blogger Challenge (Plus Tutorial)

Last Tuesday on June 11, I was selected as one of blogger who will participate on Laneige Beautiful Blogger Challenge, together with nine other bloggers. The challenge was held at SOGO Pondok Indah Mall 2, started from 1.30pm.
Pada hari Selasa tanggal 11 Juni yang lalu, aku terpilih untuk mengikuti Laneige Beautiful Blogger Challenge bersama sembilan blogger lainnya. Bertempat di Sogo PIM 2 yang dimulai pada pukul 13.30.
Who doesn’t know Laneige? Laneige is a South Korea cosmetic brand from Amore Pacific Company, one of the largest cosmetic company in there. All of you must have known Etude House, right? They’re from the same company, together with other famous brand like Hera, Sulwhasoo, Lolita Lempicka, Innisfree, etc. The brand ambassador is the pretty Song Hye Kyo. <3   Ada yang belum tau tentang Laneige? Laneige merupakan brand kosmetik dari Korea di bawah naungan salah satu perusahaan kosmetik terbesar di Korea, yaitu Amore Pacific. Tau Etude House kan? Nah Laneige itu di bawah perusahaan yang sama dengan Etude House, bersama dengan brand-brand terkenal lainnya, seperti Hera, Sulwhasoo, Lolita Lempicka, Innisfree, dll. Brand ambassadornya saat ini, yaitu si cantik Song Hye Kyo <3   In France, La Neige means snow. Established in 1994, Laneige is focusing on major skin problems: lack of moisture. So main focus of Laneige products is to help women achieve the radiant, dewy skin they have always longed for. ^^   La Neige itu artinya salju dalam bahasa Perancis. Berdiri sejak tahun 1994, Laneige berfokus pada permasalahan kulit yang umum dialami setiap orang, yaitu kekurangan air. Jadi focus utama produk-produk Laneige adalah untuk menyediakan kelembapan baik untuk kulit kering maupun berminyak, karena dengan kulit yang punya kelembapan cukup, akan menghasilkan kulit yang kenyal dan berseri. ^^ Add caption   Three Laneige top products: Water Sleeping Pack_Ex, Water Bank Essence, and Snow BB Soothing Cushion SPF 50+ PA+++. Tiga produk andalan Laneige: Water Sleeping Pack_Ex, Water Bank Essence, dan Snow BB Soothing Cushion 50+ PA+++.       So what is this Beautiful Blogger Challenge about? Laneige invites bloggers to join challenge: "before and after makeup look" , all using Laneige products. Interesting, right? XD Nah Beautiful Blogger Challenge ini sendiri acara apa sih? Jadi Laneige mengundang para blogger untuk mengikuti challenge: “before and after makeup look” dengan menggunakan produk-produk Laneige. Menarik skali kan? XD   The event started with opening speech from Laneige Indonesia Brand Manager: Mrs. Dian. After that, Ms Nadia as PR & Trainer from Laneige explained to us step by step how to use the products until base makeup stage. While she was explaining about the products, there were also several tutorial videos played to give us inspiration about the makeup look we want to create later. Of course it's Korean style makeup. ^^ Acara dibuka dengan kata sambutan dari Brand Manager Laneige, yaitu Ibu Dian. Setelah itu Mba Nadia sebagai PR dan Trainer dari Laneige menjelaskan step-step acaranya dan juga kegunaan masing-masing produk sampai tahap base makeup. Saat Mba Nadia menjelaskan mengenai produknya, diputar lah beberapa video tutorial untuk memberi kita inspirasi makeup look seperti apa yang mau kita buat nanti. Tentunya makeup ala Korea ya. ^^     So here is set of Laneige products for the challenge: Berikut adalah set produk Laneige yang akan digunakan dalam challenge ini:             Before the challenge was started, here's how my desk look like: Sebelum challenge dimulai, mejaku uda jadi kaya gini: Hahahaha.. Messy yaa, I set it so I can easily grab the products I need 😀 Hahhahaa.. Agak brantakan ya, tapi biar gampang dan bisa cepet ngambil produk nya 😀   Here is the before make up look: Ini before makeup look ku: I intentionally came to the venue without makeup, only brow powder. But for bloggers who came with makeup, Laneige staffs also provided cleansing products! Aku memang sngaja datang tanpa makeup biar ga usa ribet-ribet lagi hapusnya, cm pakai brow powder doank. Tapi untuk teman-teman blogger yang pada makeup-an, ternyata Laneige juga menyediakan cleansing product nya lho, sungguh lengkap!   There are Oil Free Cleansing Liquid and Lip & Eye Remover Waterproof. Ms Nadia said, based on blind test held in Korea, the contestant were given some lip&eye remover from various brand but they don't know what's the brand, and in the end, the most chosen remover is from Laneige. I've tried it that day, there's no scent at all and doesn't hurt my sensitive eyes 😉     Ada Oil Free Cleansing Liquid dan Lip & Eye Remover Waterproof. Katanya, berdasarkan blind test yang dilakukan di Korea, jadi kontestan nya dikasih beberapa merk lip & eye remover, dan yang paling banyak dipilih kontestan nya itu Lip & Eye Remover nya Laneige ini. Aku sendiri uda coba produk ini dan memang ga pedih di mata dan no scent at all. Aman buat yang punya mata sensitif 😉   So after finish cleansing, it's time to use skincare products. We get White Plus Renew line, which provides intensive whitening effect, consists of: Skin Refiner (Toner), Emulsion, and Essence. How to use is just like using other skin care product, just pat it slowly to allow absorbing. For full review of each products, please wait for it, I'll do it on separate posts later (maybe two months from now :p ). Jadi setelah proses cleansing selesai, saatnya menggunakan skincare terlebih dahulu. Kami mendapatkan rangkaian White Plus Renew , yang memberikan efek whitening, terdiri dari: Skin Refiner (Toner), Emulsion, dan Essence. Pemakaian skin care ini layaknya skincare Korea lainnya, agar lebih cepat menyerap, ditepuk-tepuk saja perlahan-lahan di wajah. Untuk full review masing-masing produk menyusul ya, mau pakai lebih lama dulu baru review (mungkin skitar dua bulan lagi :p).   After skincare, now is the m akeup stage. First of all is primer, called Water Supreme Primer Base with SPF 15 PA+. There are three colours available: light green, light purple, and light peach. I got the purple one, to corrects yellowish skin tone for vital complexion.     Setelah skincare, tidak lupa memakai primer, yang bernama Water Supreme Primer Base dengan SPF 15 PA+. Primer ini ada tiga warna, yaitu hijau, ungu, dan pink. Aku dapat yang ungu, untuk mencerahkan yellowish skin tone.   Then, it's time to use star product: Snow BB Soothing Cushion. Seriously this product is AMAZING! It's not hyperbola, I'm just loving it.      Laluu, saatnya menggunakan star product, yaitu Snow BB Soothing Cushion. Seriously this product is AMAZING! Ini ga lebay ya, tapi beneran.         -without flash-   -with flash-       When I saw the advertisement on TV, I was sure that this product must be good and turn out that it is really good! When I applied it on my face, I can directly feel the cool temperature from the BB Cushion. Anddd the coverage is really really good! At first, I was skeptical and worried, how can I conceal my redness and acne scars without any concealer. But, I don't need any concealer with this BB Cushion. It doesn't cakey at all, I swear, and doesn't look like I'm wearing a mask (if you know what I mean). Not to mention the glowy effect. I feel like I look like Song Hye Kyo after using this Soothing Cushion. Hahhahaa.. #plak XD Saat aku liat iklannya di TV, aku uda yakin klo produk ini bagus dan ternyata memang bagus. Saat dipakai, wajahku itu langsung terasa dingin. Dannnnn coveragenya oke banget! Awalnya aku skeptis dan khawatir kan, gimana redness dan acne scar ku bisa ketutup, karena Laneige ga nyediain concealer. Tapi ternyataaa, dengan adanya Soothing Cushion ini, ga perlu lagi deh pake concealer. Nutup banget kok dia, dan dipake berkali-kali pun ga keliatan cakey, I swear! Belum lagi hasil glowy nya. Mantep abis. Jadi merasa mirip Song Hye Kyo abis pake Soothing Cushion ini. Hahahhaha #plak XD After using the Soothing Cushion, the photographer took each photo of us for the before look, then we started to do the first look: Day Makeup. So we were challenged to do two look: day makeup look and night makeup look, with Korean style of course. Setelah pakai Soothing Cushion ini, masing-masing kita diambil foto before nya, habis itu baru dimulai dengan look pertama. Jadi kita disuruh bikin dua look: day makeup look dan night makeup look, tentunya yang ala Korea ya.  Because of the limited time, I couldn't take photos of each step. But, I will recreate the look later. And here is my Day Makeup Look. 🙂   Karena waktu yang terbatas, aku ga sempat ya foto step by step nya. Tapi tenang, aku ud recreate looknya kok, ntar bakal aku share. Yang pasti, ini hasil Day Makeup Look ku. 🙂 From camera. Foto dari kamera     From handphone. Foto dari HP.   My day makeup look is really simple. Just thin eyeliner, not forget to tightline it so my eyes look bigger and fuller. I don't use mascara because I don't want to clean it again later. I also applied the blush just sheer, and the important part is highlight! On the cheek bone, nose brigde, and above and below lip. Then, make the gradient lips like ulzzang. Finish! 😀 Day makeup look ku simple saja. Eyelinerku tipis-tipis saja, yang penting kutightline agar mata kelihatan lebih full. Aku ga pakai maskara karena ntar ribet mau hapus-hapus lagi buat night makeup look. Blush nya juga ga terlalu pink, agak soft saja, yang paling penting itu highlight! Di tulang pipi, tulang hidung, dan di atas dan di bawah bibir. Terus, bibirnya dibikin gradient lips ala-ala ulzzang. Uda deh beres! 😀   Continue to night makeup look. Lanjut ke night makeup look. The result from my camera is blurred, maybe because the photographer didn't used to use it -,- Kyny mas nya ga biasa make kameraku jadi hasil fotonya banyakan yg blur -,-         From Handphone. Foto dari HP.   Because I feel not really satisfied the result on the event, I recreated the looks with step by step. ^^ Karna merasa kurang puas dengan hasil challenge tadi, saat di rumah aku recreate look yang kubuat tadi, step by step agar lebih jelas. ^^   Ready to use the skincare :p Siap-siap menggunakan skincare :p   See the difference before and after using Snow BB Soothing Cushion? >< The result is very good.. Tuhh keliatan kan bedanya before and after Snow BB Soothing Cushion? >.< Bagus banget hasilnyaaa.. After base makeup done, now is the time for eye makeup. I used Laneige Natural Brow Liner No. 2 Stone Grey on the spot, but I feel that the colour didn't match my hair colour, so when I recreated these looks, I use the brown eyeliner: Laneige Multi Shaping Eyeliner 02 Brown for filling my brow and as eyeliner ^^ Oke setelah base makeup done, saatnya beralih ke bagian mata. Saat Challenge tadi, aku menggunakan Laneige Natural Brow Liner No. 2 Stone Grey, tapi aku merasa kurang cocok, karena skarang kan warna rambutku agak coklat, jadi pas recreate ini, aku pake eyeliner coklatnya: Laneige Multi Shaping Eyeliner 02 Brownbuat alis dan sebagai eyeliner ^^   Hal-done brow :p Alis setengah jadi :p Then, continue with eyeshadow: Laneige Multi Professional Shadow 01 Shimmer Beige/Nude Beige/Shine Brown/Dark Brown. For Day Makeup Look, just apply it sheer. I used B on all eye area and C on the crease area. Yes I have monolid eyes but I still can feel where the crease area, right? :p Lalu, lanjut dengan pemakaian eyeshadow: Laneige Multi Professional Shadow 01 Shimmer Beige/Nude Beige/Shine Brown/Dark Brown. Untuk Day Makeup Looknya, eyeshadow tipis-tipis aja. Pakai B di seluruh daerah mata dan C di bagian lipetan mata. Mataku ga ada lipetan sih tp kira-kira aja di mana lipetannya :p       Next step is eyeliner. Just create thin line, near eyelash and make it longer.   Lanjut dengan pemakaian eyeliner. Pakai natural aja, deket2 bulu mata dan buat agak panjang biar mata kliatan lebih panjang.        Next step is blush: Laneige Professional Selection Blusher 01 Pink Gradation. Next step yaitu blush: Laneige Professional Selection Blusher 01 Pink Gradation. Pakai tipis2 aja ya.         Then highlight. Because I don't really like soft colour as highlight, I use B colour from eyeshadow palette. It's so multifunction. 😀 Lalu highlight. Karena warna blush paling kiri ga gitu kelihatan buat highlight, jadinya aku pakai eyeshadow yang B. Yang B ini multifungsi banget deh 😀   Then the last step is lips. First, I apply Snow BB Soothing Cushion as lip concealer.   Lalu step terakhir, yaitu bibir. Pertama-tama bibirku aku pakein Snow BB Soothing Cushion dulu sebagai lip concealer.             Started from the inner part of the lips, I used Laneige Pure Glossy Lipstick LR 107 Delicious Pink. Baru mulai dari bagian dalam bibir, aku pakaikan lipstick Laneige Pure Glossy Lipstick LR107 Delicious Pink.           The first: Day Makeup Look is finished. Yeay! Selesai deh look pertama. Yeay!                   Simple but looks fresher, right? ^^   Simpel tapi keliatan fresh kann? ^^ The next look is Night Makeup Look. What I make bolder are the eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, and lipstick. Look selanjutnya yaitu Night Makeup Look. Yang dipertegas di sini yaitu eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush dan lipstick. First is eyeshadow. On the crease area where I applied C for day makeup look, now apply D above it. Then, on the outer part of the eye, make it like V shape. Pertama eyeshadow dulu. Di bagian lipetan mata yang diaplikasikan warna C tadi, sekarang timpa dengan warna D. Terus di bagian luar mata juga dibikin bentuk V gitu.   Next is eyeliner. Make it bold and cover V part of your outer eye area. I'm using black liquid Extra Easy Eyeliner from Laneige. Don't forget to line your lower lash line too using the same eyeliner.  Slanjutnya eyeliner. Bikin tebal dan menutupi bagian V luar sudut mata kamu. Di sini aku menggunakan black liquid Extra Easy Eyeliner dari Laneige. Slain itu juga bingkai bagian bawah mata menggunakan eyeliner yang sama.            -with flash-     With flash, the photo looks clearer, eh? 😀 Foto dengan flash (yang kanan) lebih jelas ya.. 😀   After eyeshadow and eyeliner, now is the time to use mascara: Laneige Volume Setting Mascara, but because my eyeliner is already bold, the effect of the mascara can't be really seen. It's okay, I also applied it on my lower lash and the result is visible. I look more dolly. 😀 Setelah itu aku menggunakan maskara: Laneige Volume Setting Mascara, tapi karena eyelinerku uda tebel banget, efek maskaranya ga gitu keliatan. It’s okay, yang penting yang under lashesnya keliatan, jadi dolly gitu. 😀     For blush, I added the colour. Then for the lips, I swiped away the gradient lips. Then I applied another Laneige lipstick, but I don't know the name, since it's in Hangeul ._. Untuk blushnya, aku tebelin dikit. Terus untuk bibirnya, yang gradient lip sebelumnya aku hapus. Terus aku aplikasikan lipstick Laneige, beda dari yang tadi, tapi ga bisa bacanya karena dalam Hangeul ._. And the result is: Dan hasilnya adalah:           So how is the Night Makeup Look? I hope you understand the tutorial ^^ Gimana Night Makeup Looknya? Keliatan beda kan dari day makeup look? Dan gampang banget untuk diikutin. ^^ Laneige Beautiful Blogger Challenge is held on five countries in Asia where there will be one winner from each country. One criteria for winning is voting system which will be conducted on Laneige's Microsite. Laneige's Microsite will launch on June 19, 2013 and voting time will be held from June 19-26.   Laneige Beautiful Blogger Challenge ini diadakan di lima negara di Asia di mana dari masing-masing Negara akan dipilih satu orang pemenangnya. Salah satu criteria penilaian adalah melalui voting yang akan dilakukan di Microsite Laneige. Microsite Laneige akan diresmikan pada tanggal 19 Juni 2013 dan waktu untuk voting akan dilakukan pada tanggal 19-26 Juni 2013.  I will need your help to vote for me. I will tell you once the voting periode starts, okay? ^^ Oleh karena itu, ntar aku minta bantuan kalian ya untuk voting buat aku. Ntar aku kasih tau klo uda bisa voting. ^^   Additional selcas xD Foto-foto narsis tambahan xD                       So that's all for now. Thank you, Laneige, for holding such an exciting challenge. Sekian post aku kali ini. Thank you, Laneige for holding such an exciting challenge.   Please wait for my next post about how-to-voting. ^^ Update: Here is my post about how to vote: Or If you wanna go directly to the voting website, here you go:   Thank you and have a nice day!                                    

What do you think?

Written by virgo

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  1. OMG ce ga nahan hasil BB cushion nya sih oke banget loh >.< dewy and the coverage seems so good 😀 *nabung nabung*
    I definitely will vote for you, ce 🙂
    btw doesn't laneige has lip tint? or not? for gradient lips I think it's the best to use lip tint or lip stain 😀 😀

  2. I love your makeup looks <3 I love how your skin is shimmery. How's the oil control and lasting power though? I was so tempted to use Laneige bb cream and powder since a while ago but wasn't so sure if the oil control would be good >< and I will vote for you ^^

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Please vote for me for Laneige Beautiful Blogger Challenge