When lip crayon becomes a trend and suddenly most makeup brand released their lip crayon, The Saem was one of the brand that caught my eyes since the packaging is really similar to the real crayon. XD
There are 5 colours available, and each lip crayon tube has different attractive colour. I bought no 2 Orange and no 3 Eco Blue since I still want to try orange colour and no 3 because of the blue colour.
The tube is so fat hihi :3
So let’s see the swatch on my hand.
This photo was taken under flash. Under daylight, my pic is blur >..
in Reviews
The Saem Saemmul Lip Crayon Review
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The colors are very nice on your lips! Too bad #3 smells weird :s
have you tried the vivid popstick EH? heard good reviews about them . also from lioele, peripera and 3ce
baunya kayak parfum mobil? too bad -_-
thanks for sharing ^^
wah bagus yg oranye ce, yg ungu tu warnany uniq, tp wek g enak bgt deh klo wanginy kyk parfum mobil @_@ kykny lbh enak tony moly lip crayon ce, bc" reviewny bauny kyk permen
Aku kira yg biru bakal jadi warna biru juga ce.. teryata dugaannya salah hihihihi.. bisa diputar2 lagi ya ujung nya *o*
I love both the shades you chose! The orange one is my favorite from the two though. I love lip crayons because they're so easy to apply on defined lip shapes like mine and I don't need a lipstick brush or anything.
Can I buy these online anywhere? x
I think the idea of these color changing products is really funny. A pitty about the scent and that it made your lips dry though :/
ya ampunnnnn, aduh, nggak manusiawi itu bagusnya kak >.< warnanya cantikkkk banget. aku suka yg no.2 dan syukurlah yg baunya nggak enak bukan yg #2 hihihihi
sayang banget lagi-lagi bikin kering 🙁 padahal naksir berat sama warnanya 🙁
I think the idea of these color changing products is really funny. A pitty about the scent and that it made your lips dry though :/
Aku suka yang kiri warnanya cakepp >.<
Aww too bad the scent is bad. I feel light-headed easily when it comes to scents that don't smell good. Other than that the packaging is cute. ^^ I really like the color in #3.
I was going to mention that the tube looks really fat so was it hard to get a good grip on it? I hate the feelings of dry lips! It's too bad that not too many lipsticks/lip gloss etc do that though (even if they say it won't).
Lucu banget yah bentuknya kaya crayon beneran XD
Sayangnya bikin bibir kering yaa
Lucuu banget yah bentuknya kaya crayon beneran XD
Sayangnya bikin bibir kering ya
Ohh so you like orange shade? ^^
yup, that's the plus point of lip crayon >.<
of course you can buy it at testerkorea.com, Aria, hope it helps 🙂
hihi serem bgt dine klo jd warna biru jg, ga bakal ada yg mau pake XD
yuppp, bs diputer ujungnya ky lipstik 😀
ohh ya? tony moly bagus ya shan? ntar aku cb liat2 deh, tp lg brencana ga beli makeup bulan ini, smoga tahan >.<
beneran baunya bkin pusing vee -_-
yes i've tried it and have reviewed it, Apple ^^
i really want to try 3ce's lip crayon! it's on my wishlist XD
yes it's too bad, i like the color actually 🙁
hahhaa km suka yg no 2 yaaa, iy klo no dua masi oke2 aja kok, cm d bibir agak ga mulus.. ._.
yes, and the color actually is quite pretty >.<
hihi packagingnya mmg ok bel, menarik bgt kan ya 😀
iy syangnya bkin bibir kering 🙁
Hmmm not really, I have no problem with gripping 🙂
yeahh hahhaa but most of the time, I don't have any problem with lip gloss ^^
then you shouldn't try this then, i never expected that the scent will be that bad 🙁
me too, i like #3 ^^
suka yg orange ya na? aku suka yg kanan XD
jenis crayon gini emg rentan sama dry lips ya rin..
tapi warnanya cantik2 bangett.. apalagi bentuknya kayaknya crayonnya ines hahaha
I still have no idea how they make a blue into pink when applied. It's really magical, but I'm really confused. LOL
I agree that the color did look uneven. Maybe if you used a base, it would be better? (or you could use it for gradient)
Thank you for the review! <3
Lol I was wondering which color the blue stick will appear on your lips. Turns kinda pretty 😀 I really really adore #2 >.< Too bad it smells bad and is drying 🙁
Rinnnn bagus banget warnanyaaa. Suka dua2nya. Sayang bikin bibir kering ya. ^0^
The orange one looks great on your lips! I don't think I will ever touch bluish or light purple or pinks because my teeth look yellow! I would buy something like this because my lips are usually dry!
cobain lip crayon nature republic sama innisfree deh kak,,, bagus aku si suka,,, masih penasaran sama lip crayon nya mamonde nih kak ehhe.. cman emang jarang bgt nih produk mamonde di olshop indo .. any recommendation kak ?