
Verikos Aloe Calming Oil Review

Hi All!
The last thing I will review from my BNT News November Beauty Box is Verikos Aloe Calming Oil.
Verikos claims that it can calm stress skin by an outside hazardous article moistly and comfortably. You can see that it doesn’t contain paraben, alcohol, mineral oil, artificial dyes, S.L.S, synthetic perfume, and phenoxyethanol.
I like how it is placed in small bottle with glass dropper. Although it only contains 20ml but you only need one or two drops every usage so I think it’s a long way to go. 
The colour is a bit yellow. I don’t think that it smells like aloe. The scent is mild and indeed calming. 
But I find it kinda weird to apply oil to my face o.O Or maybe it’s just me who’s skeptic about oil-based product? Because actually it’s absorbed quite fast onto my skin without leaving any greasy feeling behind. Hahaha.. XD 
I tried to apply it only on my troubled spot for few days but I think it’s just the same, so I tried to apply it all over my face. It’s not greasy but still I’m not used to the idea of putting oil on my face as skin care. It’s moisturizing but not moisturizing enough to be use alone. But it’s suitable for day use. 

What do you think?

Written by virgo

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  1. Aku juga agak aneh kalo make oil ke wajah soalnya kulitku sendiri tipenya oily dan agak aneh gitu kalau ditambah minyak lagi ahaha.
    aku sih sebenernya belum berani buat nyoba facial oil soalnya takut nanti bakalan menyumbat pori pori dan bukannya bikin kulit bagus malah jadi breakout dan jerawat hahaa

  2. Oil is actually a pretty common skin care treatment and more effective than buying skin creams or whatever skin care products that only contain 1% or something oil and are just chemicals otherwise. So I've been meaning to try out a skin care oil as well.
    Since you said it's not very moisturizing I think this particular oil seems to be only useful to those who actually need a product to calm their skin I think. (Maybe after getting sunburnt or in case of bad acne? I'm not sure~)

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