Hi All!
Just want to tell you good news that Holika Holika finally opens its first store in Jakarta (≧∇≦)
The grand opening was on last Saturday, October 5. I had planned to visit Central Park, because they are located side by side, I decided to go to Taman Anggrek first. Yes, the store is located at Mall Taman Anggrek, Ground Floor. It’s huge and you will find no difficulty to find the store. 😀
So here are some photos of the store:
I should say that almost all Holika Holika’s products are available there. You know, Tony Moly store product availability is not that wide, but this, I think all are available there 😀 Even the newest collection, like lip crayon, tinted rouge, CC Cream are available there. 😀
But of course the price is quite expensive, compared to purchase directly in Korea or by online shop. 🙁
Yesterday there was a sale there, 20% for skincare, 30% for makeup and 10% for accessories and for minimum Rp500.000 purchase, you can get member card. So me and my friend did some shopping yesterday :p
It’s so crowded yesterday and I think the staff or the beauty assistant can’t handle too many people. I can find the product by myself but sometimes when the product I want isn’t there, I still need to ask them, right? ._.
One thing that quite annoying for me is the cashier. Well, I’m sure that I added liquid concealer and brow pencil to my basket but when I checked it at home, I couldn’t find them so I checked the invoice and they’re not recorded too. -_____-”
And she is quite slow with the scanning process. I know she must be very tired because the store was so crowded that day, I just hope that next time the cashier get training so she/he can work better and this kind of thing won’t happen again in the future. 🙂
So that’s all for now. Thank you for reading ^^
in Reviews
Holika Holika’s First Store in Jakarta!
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waaaaa.. asiikk. ^^
kira-kira berapa persen bedanya kalau beli lgsg di korea / os ?
Ah, how exciting! Your Holika Holika is actually a lot bigger than the one here in Toronto. *u* And it's a shame about the cashier… hopefully you can find a better one later on (they'd probably hire more people, eh?)! We've got similar "cashier problems" (haha) here in the Toronto HH as well… and they're actually pretty rude. .-. And pushy.
I wished I had a Holika Holika store near me, too! 😀 Hope you'll have a better cashier next time though!
I wished I had a Holika Holika store near me, too! 😀 Hope you'll have a better cashier next time though!
waaah sering denger tentang brand iniii…kayaknyaaa lucuuuk yaaa…. ^^
Wah lebih gede dr yg d KL. Tapi di KL kl promo lebih gede drpd di Indo ya, tp tetep lbh murah di Korea. So sad T_T ditunggu reviewnya. gonyak ama highlighternya dong 😀
kyaaaaa~ <3 would love to visit the store if I have time soon! 😀 uni things kinda killing me x_x
Huaa, cc lips nya cekciii bgt :3
Wahh~ The store looks so big! *A* The cashier problem seems to be prevalent where I am as well. ;u; Hopefully they'll get more cashiers in the future!
kamu cantik sekali kaaaaaa 🙂
storenya kece, jadi pengen cepet2 kesana >.<
How exciting! There used to be free standing holika holika store in singapore but it closed and became a counter! I haven't tried anything from them yet though but would love to! I love your outfit!
Oh sweetie you´re really lucky!
I want invite you to Join to my MOOTTA Giveaway for win "Innisfree Masks + Anklet"
aaaa lucu lucu gemeeezzzz pengen nyubain >.<
Ignorant me didn't know the brand had makeup. I only know their skincare products and BB Creams, which we have to buy online. As far as I know, Tte only Korean brand with brick & mortar stores in Europe so far is Skin79 with a store in Madrid.
The big rack of colorful nail polishes looks amazing to me. ^_^ I can only buy Korean cosmetics online, so I really want to visit a real store one day.
Holika-Holika Store bagus banget dekorasinya..
hahha really, June?
actually i was surprised too that the store is this big 😀
yeah i do hope they hire more people..
hahahhaa pushy, most of korean brand's BA here are pushy, June -,-
kmyg skilas2 aku liat, bs beda 100rb gt klo kosmetik , yg skincare krg lebih sgitu jg ._.
let's pray that they will open in Europe soon 😀
amen for that XD
hihi bs aja km tya.. :3
iyaa bagus lho storenya, gede lagiii 😀
yes it's big, Junjun 😀
hahaha i wonder why the cashier problem is the same no matter where we live at? XD
hahaha lg kecanduan bright lips nih grace :3
hwaiting for the uni things, Jes XD
and yes you should visit it when you have time, who knows that it can throw away your stress? :p
ohh promony brapaan jes?
iy itu sih ud pasti murahan d Korea T.T
gonyak nya ga tau brp bulan k depan br pake, jes.. msi ada 2 cleansing foam nih hahaha XD
klo highlighter diusahakan asap ^^
wahhh sha blm pnh pake? lucu lho iniii..
ntar pas ketemu aku bw buat ngeracunin km :p
iyaaaa, magical gt konsepnyaa hihi
you like nail polish, Michelle? 😀
ahhh where do you live at? I hope they will open soon in your place ^^
Hi Marox,
Actually I think all Korean brands have makeup and skincare.. ^^
Too bad that the choice is not that much in Europe >.<
I hope Korean brands will open store soon in there too..
hihi ayo shan k jakarta 😀
ini testernya masih pada baru lg XD
waa keliatannya lengkap banget ci, jadi pengen kesana
itu bubble ring di storenya kena berapa duit ci??
waa keliatannya lengkap banget ci, jadi pengen kesana
itu bubble ring di storenya kena berapa duit ci??
hahaa maybe XD
yes, Sharlynn, I think i ever read about holika holika's store in SG 😀
you should, they have good quality products too ^^
thank you <3
toko nya ada di lantai berapa? nanti mau mampir aah..
memang lengkap banget dinnn…
harganya 174rb, mahalll T.T
d lantai G, ud ada kutulis d postnya 🙂
uwaaa storenya neat bangeeet, aku belom ke MTA lagi, jadi belom liat >,< tapi udah enak bgt ada holika holika store di jakarta, jadi gampang ya rin
Wow.. ka kece banget kyk Suzy disini.. 🙂 interior storenya dreamy bgt.. andai aku tinggal di jkt.. 🙁 itu lipnya warnanya cuakep.. itu innisfree colorglow lipstik ya? oh ya.. salam kenal ya kak..:) aku udh lama jdi silent reader disini.. blognya isinya update dan review2nya keren.. 🙂
ah pgen…………. ntr klo ke jkt mau ah liat2.. liat2 ujung2nya beli.. bkin tongpes…
salam kenal ya
store nya bagus ya..banyak kupu2nya !! (>.<)
Oh my, di last foto sekilas kukira Suzy Miss A ><;
Butterflies and purple T.T haha didn't know they finally have Holika store here 😀 but considering the price (and how broke I am) most likely I will stick to Korean online stores haha. You look so pretty in that dress and love your red lips! <3
Lips nya pake merk sm shade apa ka? So bright dan bwgus…
Lipsnya pake merk apa ka? So bright tapi baguuus.
msi baru yes jd msi neat :p
hhahahah tp harga agak mencekik yes 🙁
hahahaha tahan nafsu shan klo mau k toko..
aku liat harga sih mau ga mau tahan XD
masa sih ky Suzy? Ada yg blg ky IU, km blg ky Suzy XD
iyaaaa.. bgus ya dekornyaaa..
engga sayang, itu pake Etude House Rosy Tint Lips..
makasih ya ud baca blog aku :')
sering2 mampir yaaa :*
iyaaa cute abis yaaa XD
hahaha iy mis, akirnya mrka buka di TA..
bener banget, aku jg bakal stick to ol shop kcuali mendesak bgt br deh beli d sana, mahal harganya T.T
hihi thank you Mis :*
masa sih ky Suzy Miss A? :O
itu pake rosy tint lips nya Etude yg no 8 sayang ^^
Kakak cute banget 😀
Halo ka, aku mau tanya dong~
boleh recommend trusted ol shop yang jual HH ga? soalnya kebanyakan yang aku temuin itu jual EH doang~ thanks ^^