
3 Concept Eyes Lip Lacquer Review

3 Concept Eyes is becoming popular lately. At least that’s what I think. I forgot how did I know about 3 concept eyes but after I knew about it, I stumbled upon the website and drools over the lip products. The model is so pretty too: Park So Ra <3   Wanted to try the lip pigment and lip lacquer so much but in the end I chose to buy one lip lacquer to try since the price is expensive: 18.900 won ($19USD). (T_T)     The lip lacquer comes with a box and placed inside a plastic that has the price tag. You know that it's still brand new in box when the price tag doesn't have any rip sign.    This is the price tag I meant.   There are 10 colors to choose and all of the colours are so pretty!  -taken from         3CE Lip Lacquer has a professional-looking box with black colour as the main colour and hot pink colour that matches the lip lacquer's colours inside.      Well there's no english description on the box but thankfully the description on the website picture is quite helpful already.   The name is kinda weird hahaha.. Why must disco among so many names? Maybe because by using this colour, we will become center of attention on the disco club? LOL XD   Taraaaa.. So happy to see the lip lacquer (≧∇≦) Well the packaging is definitely not my style but why do I feel happy when I see it? XD   The colour is clearly shown because of the transparent tube ♥   I can read the sentence but all I understand is just the word 'sticker'. Geeezzz.  Should study Korean more >.<     Well talk about the size, actually I was quite surprised because it just like mini lip gloss size >.<  Since the price is quite expensive, I expected at least normal size product. ;_;   This lip lacquer has an applicator like most lipgloss have. It's a slanted sponge applicator. ^^   Swatch on my hand: The concept of lip lacq uer for me is just like lip cream. Most of you must have known about Nyx Soft Matte Lip Cream right?  Although I never used it, but I think the concept is just the same.     -with flash-     The color is very pigmented! As you can see from swatches above, I only applied it once but the color is already as vibrant as that o.O   The texture is very creamy. I'm somewhat difficult to control the amount applied on my lips. This is not the minus point though, it's just me who is not used to have such creamy and pigmented product applied on my lips, it's kinda messy at outer part of lips so I have to wiped it off. 🙂   To be my surprise, it doesn't have any scent at all. Yes, I can't smell anything from this lip lacquer XD So that's a good news for people who doesn't like too much scent on their product 😉   Applying this product is just like applying lip gloss to me. It doesn't feel sticky but I can feel it moisturized my lips. At first, it will look glossy just like using lip gloss but after around 30 minutes or more, it will look silky.    It looks so pretty on Park So Ra ♥.♥       All I can say is this product doesn't disappoint me at all. Although it can't make me looks like So Ra (you wish, Rin! XD) hahaha well I'm kidding :p The colour turns out as vibrant as how it's seen on the advertorial image. I believe that if I apply one or two more layer, the colour will be more alike 3CE's advertorial pic.   For the staying power, it's just like normal lip product. The colour will go away after eating or drinking but leaving tint on your lips.      I'm not sure whether I will purchase other colour of this lip lacquer or not since the price is kinda expensive and other Korean brands like Holika Holika, Aritaum, Etude House, etc have released their own version that have same concept like this. If the quality is the same but with lower price, why should I stick with this, right? 😉   So that's all for now. Thank you for reading ^^                            

What do you think?

Written by virgo

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  1. warnanyaa cakeeeepp bangeet!! looks so good on u ce 😀
    iy mirip bgt kayak nyx, warnany jg sklias mirip addis ababa tp ini lebih muda n berkesan neon, tp g lengket yahh, biasanya kan lip gloss tu dipake g enakny kan lengket, apalagi smpe ps kena angin rambut jd nempel di bibir >.< haduhh jd berabe

  2. Ooh, I like the creamy consistency of this lip lacquer! It's a teeny bit pricey, but at least it didn't disappoint – and the colour is just lovely and girlie on you ^_^
    The only lip lacquers I have tried at the moment is the Rimmel Apocalips, which I quite like.

  3. Ahh I can see some similarities between this and the whip mousse lip! Though this 3CE looks more like a typical creamy gloss while the whip mousse just melts down and becomes… nothing but color. lol!

    You look absolutely gorgeous in that color and I'm not even joking! I wish I can wear bright pink well too but my skin seems to be a little bit to dark/yellowy for bright pink:( I can only stick with sheer colors or corals at most.

    Also, I've been wanting to try this out for such a long time… I was actually more interested in their lipstick but I'm hooked with this! I need to try this out soon:) Thanks for the review pretty:)

  4. well at first it looks like lipgloss, but after sometimes, it will turn into silky colour too 😀

    ahhh really? thank you ^^
    actually i just into bright lips mood recently, i always think that it will look horrible on me, but finally I gave it a try and the result is not that bad.. that's too bad if you can't use bright shades of lipstick >.<

    i'm not too interested with their lipstick since it looks just usual, but i'm interested in their lip pigment 😀

    thank you for reading, Seah ^^

  5. Gahhhh~ This is the color I've been searching for! Thank you so much for the review, it seems that the 3CE Lip Lacquer is doing its job well for a price like that. 🙂 I'm so tempted to buy two shades.. maybe I should just wait till next year when I'm in Korea. xD

  6. I can't agree more..3CE kinda popular lately as I'm seeing it a lot and also I'm so into lip lacquer recently..I searched some reviews on 3CE lip lacquer, but most of them said NYX was way better because this is kinda drying..I thought dry = not suit me so I'm aiming for another brand 😀

  7. Gahhhh~ This is the color I've been searching for! Thank you so much for the review, it seems that the 3CE Lip Lacquer is doing its job well for a price like that. 🙂 I'm so tempted to buy two shades.. maybe I should just wait till next year when I'm in Korea. xD

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