How’s your weekend? Is it great?
I just spend time by watching drama, doing makeup tutorial and packing.
Wohooo packing? Are you going somewhere, Rin?
Yes, I am 😀 *talking to myself XD XD*
Can you guess where am I going to go to?
Remember that Buzz Korea Awards that I ask all of you to help vote for me? Yes, I came in the third place and that means I can go to South Korea again. (^0^)/
I can’t believe that this really happens and this is my second time to Kpop country this year. Thank you for all of your support :* :*
I will join Romantic Winter Tour that is prepared by Buzz Korea for all of the winners from November 19 to November 24.
It takes around one month between the winner announcement date and the departure date which makes me kinda nervous. Why? Because I have to apply for visa and this is the most heartbeating part for me. Hahaha.. Thankfully I got supporting letter from Korea Tourism Organization and got the visa last Wednesday. :’)
You know that for my last trip, I really avoid going to South Korea on winter because the winter clothes will take most space on the luggage and I also didn’t have any winter clothes >.< That's why I changed the flight date to spring season, which suprisingly was still really cold ._. But this time, it's unavoidable. Hahahaha.. The tour name itself is Romantic Winter Tour so yeah finally I bought some winter clothes and boots, I hope they can make me warm enough. ^^"
If you notice from the above pic, besides the passport, there is a transportation word. Yes, day 1 is a free time so I have to find information about subway route to the place I want to visit. I hope I won't get lost hahhaa.. Really want to utilize day 1 as much as I can to visit places that I want to visit that aren't on the tour destination list. XD
For Romantic Winter Tour, I will visit several cities, not only Seoul. And I will upload pics as many as I can to my SNS account, like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook so make sure to follow one of them to get updated pics ^^
Hmmm.. So that's all for now.. Talk to you guys later ~
in Reviews
H-1 South Korea (≧∇≦)
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Congrats !! and I hope you have a safe journey 🙂
waaa congratss ya ce <3
hati" ya ce jgn lupa bw obat"an ^^ have a nice holiday <3
Waaa asyikkk.. XD
Semoga perjalananmu aman dan menyenangkan <3
I´m very happy for you dear, take many pics and enjoy the trip!
yayy !! take care <3
GBU :*
Youre probably the luckiest girl ive ever known ;_;
safe flight hon! kyaaa happy for u… bawa haul yg banyak. wkwk. bole nitip 1/2 pc g rin? >.<
Thank you Sataa ^^
Thank you jes :* hahhahah lg bokek nih gr2 beli perlengkapan winter :p ud kuline yaaa 😀
not the luckiest lah Bel >.<
Thank you wi ♥
Gbu too :*
Thank you, Raimar..
Sure I will ^^
Hihi iy..
Makasih nil :*
Iy makasih shan..
Iy nih ud dimasukin k tas obat2an ny 😀
Waaah asiik bangettt ><
Congratz ya ^^ <3
Jangan lupa jaga kesehatan, vit c sama madu nya ya ? hati2 dan have fun ya ?
Wohooo~ Ah jadi envy nih kapan aku bs ke korea jg ya *plak* wkwk ati2 jgn sampe masuk angin disana ya ce 😛 Ditunggu foto2nya, wajib foto sebanyak mungkin lho yaa haha XD
Have a nice trip ce ii ♥
Wahh congratz, hope you had fun there 😀
aaaa masukin ak ke koper ce *langsung overload* lol
have fun yaaa 😀
Congratulations ! Too bad you couldn't come during a warmer season. It's going to be quite cold so pack some thick clothes! I used to love winter until I lived here lol
waaaah.. have fun ya ce! 😀
Congratulations! Hope you have a lovely time!
Waaa, senengnyaaa x)
happy for u dear :* pengen ke sana lg hihi
have a great trip ^^ oleh2 rinn XD hahaha
God bless u ^^
OMG ce so excited for you!!! 😀 are you going to stop by to Busan? 🙁 haha
Whoo Congrats!!! Hope you have fun in Korea! 😀
seruuuuu, masukin aku ke koper pleaseeeeeeeeee, mau koreak lagiiihh >.<
Congrats cee 😀 Have fun ya disanaaa ~~~ Lucky youuu ♥
selamat berlibur… aku titip culikan lee min ho ya… hihihihih
have a nice holidays
wih congrats ce ii, have fun 😀 hihi
congratzz, have fun di koreaa
waaahh, congrats ya ka, have fun kakaknyaaaa 😀
Heppiii dsana rinnnn… ^^ seneng bgt kmu bs menang
vote ku g sia2 nihhh… *ikutan hepiiii