
Korea Trip: Laneige Global Beauty Camp 2014 Day 1

Acara Laneige Global Beauty Camp 2014 diadakan pada tanggal 1 dan 2 Juli 2014. Dalam post kali ini, aku akan membahas mengenai acara pada hari pertamanya dulu ya. ^^
Laneige Global Beauty Camp 2014 was held on July 1 and 2, 2014. In this post I will share about the Day 1 event. ^^
Laneige Global Beauty Camp ini bukan hanya dihadiri oleh blogger tapi juga perwakilan media dan tim Laneige dari berbagai negara. Dari Indonesia, tim yang berangkat adalah Mba Dian sebagai brand manajer Laneige, Mba Trisna sebagai perwakilan Cosmopolitan, Fidya sebagai perwakilan Elle, Grisselda sebagai perwakilan Female Daily dan aku sendiri. Konsep acara Laneige Global Beauty Camp benar-benar dikemas dengan baik, karena ternyata acara untuk blogger dan media dipisah. Wow. Menurutku ini konsep yang oke sih, walaupun acara yang diikuti sebenarnya sama, tapi kaya beda waktu aja. Selain itu, kelompoknya jadi tidak terlalu besar dan proses pindah-pindah termpatnya jadi lebih gampang terkontrol. 🙂
Laneige Global Beauty Camp 2014 was not only attended by bloggers but also by press dan Laneige team from various country. From Indonesia, there are Mrs Dian as Laneige brand manager, Ms Trisna as Cosmopolitan representative, Ms Fidya as Elle representative, Ms Grisselda as Female Daily representative and me. I should say that this event was well prepared because the event for blogger and media were separated. Wow.. This is a good concept, though basically the events that attended by bloggers and media are just the same, it’s just in different time. Besides, by separating into two big groups, the process of going here and there can be more organized.
Karena hal itu lah, di hari pertama acara Global Beauty Camp ini, aku bakal sendirian. Huaaaaaa… T.T Awalnya agak panik sih, tapi Mba Dian bilang bakal ada staff Laneige yang bakal nemenin aku jadi aku ga kaya kehilangan induk. Haha.
Because of that, on the first day, I will be alone. Huaaaaa… T.T At first, I was quite panicked, but Mrs Dian said that there will be Laneige staff who will accompany me. 
  Setelah semua blogger berkumpul di lobbi, tanpa menunggu lebih lama lagi, kami segera diarahkan ke bus untuk menuju ke tempat tujuan pertama di acara ini yaitu Laneige Water Bank Pop-up Store yang terletak di Garosugil, Gangnam. Seperti namanya yaitu Pop-up Store, artinya store ini hanya berdiri sementara waktu dan menurut info dari Mba Dian, katanya tanggal 1 Juli itu adalah hari terakhir Water Bank Pop-up Store, which means we are so lucky to be able to go there on their last day there. 😉 
After all bloggers gathered in lobby, without further ado, we were directed to Laneige bus to go to our first destination, which is Laneige Water Bank Pop-up Store which is located in Garosugil, Gangnam. Just like its name: Pop-up Store, it means that it’s just a temporary store and based on information I got from Mrs Dian, she said that July 1stwill be the last day of this Pop-up Store, which means we are so lucky to be able to go there on their last day there.. 😉 
Water Bank Pop-up Store ini terletak di lantai dua nya Mug for Rabbit Café. 
Water Bank Pop-up Store was located in the second floor of Mug for Rabbit Café.
Saat sampai ke dalam Pop-up Storenya, wow langsung deh dominan banget warna biru tua nya si Water Bank. Tempatnya ga terlalu gede sih, karena pada dasarnya juga merupakan sebuah kafe kan. Tapi lumayan menarik kok 😀
The place is not too big, because basicly it’s inside of café. But I found it interesting, much more like exhibition. 😀
Tempatnya lebih kelihatan kaya buat pameran gitu, menunjukkan tube-tube seperti kemasan berisi Water Bank Gel Cream.
They displayed layers of tube of Water Bank Gel Cream, very creative! 
 Kami juga disuguhi minuman soda yang rasanya seger banget! Tentu saja warnanya biru hihi :3 
We were also served soda drink which feels so refreshing! The colour of course is in blue hihi :3
Setelah mengitari Pop-up Store tersebut selama beberapa menit, kami turun ke bawah untuk berfoto di depan kafe.
After looking around for several minutes, we went down to take group and individual photo in front of the café.
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Perkenalkan, ini adalah Hannah, staff Laneige yang menemaniku selama acara Global Beauty Camp. Untunglah Hannah dulunya kuliah jurusan Inggris literatur kalau ga salah, jadi bahasa Inggrisnya oke banget 😀 Blogger lain yang didampingin Hannah dan berarti segrup dengan aku adalah blogger dari Taiwan yaitu Tailatyra dan Kim.
Say hi to Hannah, Laneige staff who accompanied me during Global Beauty Camp event. Hannah studied English literature when she was in college, that explains why her English is so goof 😀 Other bloggers who are also accompanied by Hannah which means one group with me are Taiwan bloggers: Tailatyra and Kim.
Pengen bawa pulang beruangnya >.< I want to take the bear home >.< Tak terasa, sudah waktunya untuk makan siang. Sejujurnya aku masih kenyang karena sarapan jam 9 pagi. Restoran yang akan kami kunjungi bernama Modern Babsang, yang katanya merupakan restorannya ibu Psy. Tempatnya masih di sekitar daerah sana juga jadi kami berjalan kaki ke sana instead of riding bus. Bagus juga sih, jadi aku bisa sekalian melihat-lihat Garosugil itu seperti apa karena Garosugil memang merupakan salah satu daerah tujuan aku juga buat dikunjungin kali ini XD Saat kami sampai ke dalam restorannya, tempatnya masih belum begitu ramai karena belum jam makan siang kali ya. Can’t believe lunch time was approaching, I was still so full because I had lunch on 9am. ._. We would have lunch at Modern Babsang, which said is Psy’s mom restaurant. It’s located in Garosugil area so we took a walk there instead of riding bus. It’s a nice activity because the weather was not too hot and I could look around Garosugil street because it is one of my destination on this trip XD When we arrived on the restaurant, the place was not too crowded as it wasn’t lunch time yet. Modern Babsang ini suasananya sangat homey. Ada pohon gede lho di dalamnya, dan makanannya makanan tradisional Korea. Ini foto dua makanannya, selebihnya ga sempet difoto karna jauh dari tempat duduk trus mager buat foto2, maaf ya ._. Modern Babsang feels so homey. There is one big tree inside of the restaurant, while the food are Korea cuisine. This is the photo of two menu that we ate, the others were placed far from my sitting place so sorry not to take any photo of them ._. Setelah selesai makan, kami berjalan ke tempat bus akan menjemput kami lalu kembali ke hotel untuk memulai secara resmi acara Global Beauty Camp ini, yaitu Welcome Party. ^^ After finished eating, we walked to the place where the bus will picked us then went back to hotel to start this event officially with Welcome Party. ^^ Welcome Party ini diselenggarakan di area lounge Hotel JW Marriott Dongdaemun Square, Seoul. Hampir keseluruhan acara Global Beauty Camp ini memang diadakan di dalam hotel ini. Welcome Party was held at JW Marriott Dongdaemun Square, Seoul, lounge area. Most of Laneige Global Beauty Camp event was held there. Kami duduk berdasarkan meja yang sudah ditandai dengan nama negara masing-masing. Aku sendirian tapi untungnya ada Hannah dan Da Hye yang menemani. :') We sat according to the country name placed on the table. I was alone but fortunately Hannah and Dahye sat besides me. :’) Welcome Party merupakan acara pembukaan Laneige Global Beauty Camp sekaligus menyambut para blogger yang datang dari berbagai negara, yaitu Hongkong, Taiwan, China, Thailand, Indonesia, dan tentu saja dari Korea sendiri. Kata sambutan pun diberikan oleh perwakilan Laneige (yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris oleh translator di sebelahnya) dan ada briefing singkat tentang apa saja acara ke depannya selama dua hari ini. Di jadwal sih seharusnya homme brand ambassador Laneige yang baru yaitu Song Jae Rim ikut hadir dalam Welcome Party. Sayangnya dia ga bisa hadir padahal pengen liat orangnya secara langsung. :(( Btw ada yang ga tau Song Jae Rim? Aku nonton dia di drama favoritku, yaitu The Moon that Embrace The Sun dan perannya cool banget di sana *.*  Welcome Party is the opening event of Laneige Global Beauty Camp as well as to welcome bloggers from several countries, such as Hongkong, Taiwan, China, Thailand, Indonesia, and of course South Korea. Welcome speech was given by one of Laneige representative (which was translated into English) and there was a briefing about all event during these two days. Actually, the homme brand ambassador Song Jae Rimwas supposed to attend the Welcome Party but he couldn’t make it. Too bad, I would love to see him in person ( Anybody here doesn’t know about Song Jae Rim? He is one of my favorite character in my favourite drama: The Moon that Embrace The Sun, he is so cool there *.* Party rasanya tak lengkap tanpa suguhan makanan dan minuman, ya ga? Ohhh tenang ajaa, ada kue-kue cantik nan enak yang menanti kami. Hihi.. Serius kuenya enak-enak banget tapi sebenarnya aku masih kenyang jadi ga bisa makan banyak-banyak. XD Party isn’t complete without food and drink, right? Don’t worry, there were many cute dessert awaited us hihi.. Seriously they taste so good but I was too full to be able to eat more than one. XD Rasa minumannya sama dengan minuman yang aku dapat di Laneige Pop-up Store tadi pagi. The taste of the drink is the same as the drink I had on Laneige Pop-up Store that morning. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa warna macaroon nya bagus banget, biru muda gitu trus rasanya juga mantap! :9 Aaaaaaaaaaaa the macaroons look so pastel in sof t blue colour and it taste delicious! :9 Nih beberapa makanan yang aku makan. Ada beberapa jenis lagi sih tapi aku ga makan jadinya ga kufoto. So here is the pic of some desserts I ate. Looks yummy right? Tanpa terasa, Welcome Party pun sudah selesai dan karena masih ada waktu, para blogger dipersilakan untuk istirahat dulu sebelum masuk ke acara berikutnya, yaitu K-beauty Trend Class. Finally the Welcome Party has finished and because there was much time left, we were allowed to go back to our room first before starting the next one: K-beauty Trend Class. Sebelum kembali ke kamar, foto dulu sama Hannah dan Da Hye hihi :* Before going back to room, took selfie first with Hannah and Da Hye hihi :* Mungkin K-beauty Trend Class merupakan salah satu acara yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh para blogger karena di acara ini lah, kita bakal dapat kesempatan buat tahu dan belajar mengenai hydrated flawless skin nya Song Hye Kyo ♥♥♥  Maybe K-beauty Trend Class is one of the agenda that was awaited by blogger because on this program, we would have the chance to know and learn about Song Hye Kyo’s hydrated flawless skin. ♥♥♥ Sebenarnya apa yang mendasari K-beauty ini dan apa peran Laneige di dalamnya? Actually, what underlying this K-beauty and what is Laneige role in it? Setiap negara mungkin punya definisi cantik yang berbeda tapi sebenarnya intinya sama. Berdasarkan survei yang dilakukan Laneige di beberapa negara di Asia, didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa hal terpenting yang mendasari kecantikan seseorang adalah kulitnya. Bright and flawless skin disepakati sebagai hal paling mendasar dari kecantikan seseorang. Nah, kalau ngomongin K-beauty juga pasti langsung kepikirannya sama bright and flawless skin kan? Karna memang konsepnya sebenarnya adalah bagaimana terlihat cantik natural dengan menggunakan makeup. ^^ Each country has their own definition of beauty but actually the point is the same. Based on survey that is conducted by Laneige in several countries in Asia, it comes to conclusion that the most important thing for one’s beauty is the skin. Bright and flawless skin are agreed as the most fundamental thing to determine beauty. And when we are talking about K-beauty, what comes to our mind is bright and flawless skin right? Because the concept of K-beauty is how to look naturally beautiful with makeup. ^^ K-drama sangat membantu membawa K-beauty ini untuk dikenal secara global. Dan aku akui ini memang bener. Sebagai pencinta K-drama ya, melihat wajah artis-artis Korea yang flawless, glowing dan putih itu bener-bener bikin envy dan pengen punya wajah kaya gitu *.* Aku slalu penasaran gimana caranya bisa dapetin wajah flawless dan glowing kaya gitu.  K-drama helps a lot to let K-beauty known globally. I admit this is true. As K-drama lover, seeing Korean actress who has flawless, bright and glowing skin really makes me envy and want to have skin like that *.* I always curious hwo to get than flawless and glowing skin. Memang bener skin care yang tepat bisa membantu mendapatkan wajah lebih cerah dan flawless. Tapi menurut kalian apa artis-artis Korea yang kita lihat di drama itu ga makeup sama skali trus langsung bisa seperti itu? Jawabannya engga. Mereka sebenarnya tetap bermakeup, hanya saja makeupnya sangat natural dan dengan teknik yang oke, maka bisa kliatan seperti no makeup, biasa kita kenal sebagai "no makeup" look.  Of course, using right skincare can help you to achieve brighter and flawless face. But do you think that Korea actresses show their bare face on K-drama without makeup at all? The answer is no. They still have makeup, it’s only that their makeup is so natural that you started to believe that that’s their bareface skin, or they don’t use makeup at all, we sometimes refer it as “no makeup” look. Apa sih rules dan cara mencapai K-look ini? Makeup artist dari Laneige Global, yaitu Ms. Goh Young Eun membagikan tips bagaimana mendapatkan K-look ala artis Korea ini.  What’s the rules and trick to get this K-look? Laneige global makeup artis, Ms Soh Young Eun, share some tips with us how to achieve this K-look. 1. Health & Hydrated Face Hal paling penting yang dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan hasil makeup yang bagus adalah kulit wajah yang sehat dan lembap. Seperti yang kita tahu, orang Korea sangat telaten dalam merawat kulitnya. Untuk memastikan bahwa wajah kita cukup lembap, bisa menggunakan Laneige Water Bank Gel Cream_Ex dan Laneige Water Sleeping Pack_ex di malam hari. The most important thin needed to get good makeup result is hydrated face. As we know, Korean people are so diligent to treat their face.To make sure that our face is hydrated enough, we can use Laneige Water Bank Gel Cream_Ex and Laneige Water Sleeping Pack_ex on night. 2. Flawless & Natural Face Seperti yang sudah dibahas tadi, orang Korea sangat suka penampilan yang kelihatan flawless dan natural seperti tidak menggunakan makeup. Laneige mempunyai trio produk yang bisa digunakan untuk mencapai hasil seperti ini, yaitu Laneige BB Cushion, Laneige Brush Pact dan Laneige Watery Cushion Concealer. As discussed earlier, Korean people like flawless and natural face as if not wearing makeup. Laneige has three product to achieve that look, which are Laneige BB Cushion, Laneige Brush Pact and Laneige Watery Cushion Concealer. Siapa sih yang tidak tahu Laneige BB Cushion? Salah satu best seller Laneige yang terjual satu setiap 10 detik ini merupakan terobosan atau perintis produk cushion di pasaran yang menawarkan makeup sempurna dengan cepat. Sekarang zaman uda berubah kan soalnya, para wanita juga uda sibuk kerja, jadi makeup pun kalau bisa maunya yang praktis tapi tetep memberi hasil yang optimal. Laneige BB Cushion ini punya 6-in-1 effects, yaitu: UV protection, brightening, base makeup, long-lasting, hydration, dan cooling.   Who doesn’t know about Laneige BB Cushion? It’s one of Laneige’s best seller which is sold one every 10 seconds. It’s a breakthrough or revolutionary product in market which offer speedy and perfect makeup. Nowadays, mostly women work, whether as housewife, businesswoman, etc, we all need practical makeup that gives optimal result. Laneige BB Cushion has 6-in-1 effects: UV protection, brightening, base makeup, long-lasting, hydration, and cooling. Laneige Brush Pact merupakan produk terbaru dari Laneige yang sangat praktis digunakan karena di dalamnya sudah termasuk brush dengan bulu yang halus yang akan membuat lebih cerah dan matte.  Laneige Brush Pactis one of Laneige newest product that is so practical to be used because the brush is included inside with extra soft hair that will make skin looks bright er and matte. Satu lagi produk baru dari Laneige yaitu Watery Cushion Concealer yang memberikan high coverage, tahan lama, efek whitening dan skaligus melembapkan.  Another new product from Laneige is Watery Cushion Concealer which gives high coverage, long lasting, whitening effect and also moisturizing. 3. Shine & Lively Lips Uda pada nonton drama “That Winter The Wind Blows” yang diperankan Song Hye Kyo belum? Aku udah pernah ngebahas ini sih sebelumnya, kalau masih pada ingat, adegan yang sampai sekarang nempel di kepala aku tuh ya adegan dia memulas lipstik warna bibir secara pelan-pelan di depan kaca dengan warna sangat natural padahal dia buta T.T Dan akirnya lipstik itu: Laneige Silk Intense Lipstick menjadi lipstik favoritku :3 (bisa baca reviewku di sini). Have you watched “That Winter The Wind Blows” starred by Song Hye Kyo? I have written about this before, if you still remember, the scene from that drama which still stuck in my head, where she applied lipstick slowly in front of mirror although she is blind T.T In the end, that lipstick has become one of my favourite :3   Nah biasanya wajah para artis Korea di drama yang kelihatan sangat natural makeup nya itu dipadukan dengan lipstik berbagai macam warna, tergantung image yang ingin dihasilkan, baik itu pure, sexy, bold, cheerful, dsb. Tahu juga donk “My Love from The Star” yang diperankan Jeon Ji Hyun? Di dalam drama tersebut juga kelihatan beberapa adegan yang menampilkan si cantik Jeon Ji Hyun sedang memulaskan lipstik, biasanya pilihan lipstiknya berwarna lebih terang sehingga penampilan keseluruhannya terlihat lebih cerah. Salah satu lipstik yang dipakainya dalam drama tersebut adalah Serum Intense Lipstik, salah satu lipstik terbaru dari Laneige yang terdiri dari 20 warna yang sangat menggoda iman. Katanya sih sehari setelah episode itu ditayangkan, lipstiknya langsung sold out lho di Korea. Keren ya! XD Usually when Korean actresses use very light makeup, the lips is the contrary. They use more vivid colour to make the whole appearance more alive. And it depends on the character they want to portrait, whether it’s pure, sexy, bold, cheerful, etc. One of the most popular K-drama right now: My Love from The Star, starred by Jeon Ji Hyun, also has several scenes which she applied lipstick. One of the lipstik she used on drama is Serum Intense Lipstick, one of Laneige newest lipstick which has 20 colours. They said that one day after the scene was aired, the lipstick was sold out all over Korea. Cool huh? XD 4. Graphic & Defined Eyes Trik terakhir yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah untuk mata. Dulu biasanya orang melakukan makeup mata dulu baru memikirkan mau memakai lipstik warna apa untuk dicocokkan dengan makeup mata tersebut. Tapi sekarang tren sudah berubah. Untuk sekarang ini, biasanya orang-orang memikirkan dulu mau pake lipstik apa yaa, baru deh makeup matanya disesuaiin sama warna lipstik. Karena sekarang lagi ngetren warna bibir yang bright, biasa makeup matanya yang lebih natural saja. Yang masih menjadi tren juga adalah tren straight eyebrow karena dengan straight eyebrow, orang bisa kelihatan lebih muda. ^^ The last trick is for eyes. Once people like to apply eye makeup first then thinking what lip colour would match the eye makeup. But now the trend has changed. Nowadays people think first what lip colour they want to use then the eye makeup will be adjusted to match the lip colour. Because bright colour is in now, usually they just do the natural eye makeup. And another on-going trend is straight eyebrow which can make one look younger. ^^ Setelah itu, Ms. Goh Young Eun pun melakukan demo makeup dengan berpegang pada 4 rules yang telah dijelaskan di atas.  After that, Ms Goh Young Eun gave makeup demonstration using 4 rules that she had explained earlier. BASE MAKEUP -kiri kanan, atas bawah- 1 & 2. Pertama-tama, sebelum memakai makeup, pakailah skincare terlebih dahulu. Produk yang digunakan adalah Laneige Water Bank Essence_Ex dan Water Bank Gel Cream_Ex. 3. Setelah itu mulailah dengan base makeup yaitu Laneige BB Cushion.  4. Lalu di daerah wajah deket rambut, gunakanlah Laneige Brush Pact untuk memberikan hasil matte. Jadi kalau kena angin pun, rambut jadinya ga bakal nempel-nempel ke daerah tersebut. 1 & 2. First of all before applying makeup, use skincare first. Product used here is Laneige Water Bank Essence_Ex and Water Bank Gel Cream_Ex. 3. Then started the base makeup using Laneige BB Cushion. 4. Apply Laneige Brush Pact to area in contact with hair so the result will be more matte and the hair won’t stick to face. Color Makeup -kiri kanan, atas bawah- 5. Setelah itu saatnya menggambar straight eyebrow menggunakan Laneige Brow Shaping Kit. 6 & 7. Nah untuk bibir dia menggunakan dua warna dari lipstik terbaru Laneige yaitu Serum Intense Lipstik dan dibuat gradasi merah pink yang surprisingly kelihatan sangat natural. 8. Baru deh abis itu makeup matanya disesuaiin sama warna lipstiknya. Biasanya dari satu palet eyeshadow mungkin warna yang kepakai cuma satu atau dua warna dari 4 warna tapi dengan palet ini semua warna bisa dipakai karena warnanya sangat wearable. 9. Selanjutnya aplikasikan maskara agar mata kelihatan lebih hidup. Maskara yang digunakan adalah maskara terbaru dari Laneige yaitu Jet Curling Mascara. 10 & 11. Kemudian untuk blush on, tak banyak yang tau bahwa lipstik bisa dijadikan sebagai blush on. Di sini kembali Ms Goh menggunakan Serum Intense Lipstick sebagai blush. Agar kelihatan lebih natural bersemunya, setelah memakai blush, step terakhir adalah kembali ditimpa dengan Laneige BB Cushion. 5. Now it’s time to draw straight eyebrow using Laneige Brow Shaping Kit. 6 & 7. For the lips, she use two colour from Serum Intense Lipstick to create red-pink gradation which surprisingly looks very natural. 8. Then she apply eye makeup that will suit the lip colour. 9. Apply mascara to make the eyes look more alive. Mascara used is newest mascara from Laneige: Jet Curling Mascara. 10 & 11. Next for the blush on, Ms Goh used Serum Intense Lipstick as blush. To make the blush look more natural, the last step is apply the BB Cushion once more. Taraaaa... Selesai deh makeup nya. Hihi.. Oh ya makeup nya itu hanya dilakukan di setengah bagian wajah model jadi kita bisa membandingkan antara bagian bermakeup dan engga. Kelihatan sih habis makeup juga cantiknya masih yang natural, ga menor dan memberikan glowing sehat. ♡ Taraaa.. It's d one. Hihi.. Oh and by the way, the makeup was only done of half of the model's face so we could compare what's the difference between with and without makeup. The obvious thing is after makeup, her face is glowing but still look natural and not too much. Thank you ya Laneige buat pelajarannya. Lumayan jadi nambah pengetahuan lagi. ^^ So thank you Laneige for the lessons, now I gained another new knowledge ^^ Next agenda adalah mengunjungi Laneige Flagship Store di Myeongdong. Yeahhhh akirnya yang ditunggu-tunggu datang juga saatnya xD Well, sebenarnya seluruh rangkaian acara Laneige ini aku tunggu2 sih, semuanya bener2 menarik soalnya! Next schedule is to visit Laneige Flagship Store in Myeongdong. Yeahhhh this is what I awaited for XD Well, actually I was waiting for all program in this event because all of them are so interesting!  Myeongdong yang slalu penuh dengan orang, mostly turis.  Myeongdong which always full of people, mostly tourists. Inilah Laneige Flasghip Store yang terletak di Myeongdong. Store nya cukup gede dan berada di pinggir jalan besar. And this is the Laneige Flagship Store located in Myeongdong. The store is considered big and located in the main street of Myeongdong. Kyaaaaa lipstik *liat lipstik langsung senang xD*  Sayang sekali tokoknya rame banget dan jadi agak sempit, kurang leluasa jadinya buat nyoba2in produknya. Ya walaupun memang tokonya penuh gara2 kami sih hahahaha ^^" Kyaaaaa lipstick XD Unfortunately the store was full of people, which makes it not too comfortable to trying out the product. Though mostly people there are us, the bloggers hahahaha ^^" Ini swatch tiga lipstik yang aku coba di tangan tapi ga inget nomornya berapa.  I swatched three lipstick on my hand but didn't remember the shades ._. Good news for us adalah saat acara Welcome Party tadi, masing-masing blogger diberikan kartu diskon senilai 50,000 yang bisa dipakai hanya pada hari itu saat kita mengunjungi Laneige Flagship Store ini. Yeayyyy! Sempet bingung sih mau beli apa, yang pasti dari awal aku memang uda pengen beli BB Cushion nya. Awalnya mau beli yang IOPE, tapi karena dapat voucher ini, mending beli Laneige aja deh, toh kualitasnya sama 😀 Satu lagi yang bikin bingung tapi setelah keliling-keliling toko berkali-kali, akirnya aku memutuskan buat nyobain Serum Intense Lipstick aja. Hihi ^^ The good news for us: on Welcome Party just now, each of us was given voucher amounted to KRW50,000 which can be used on that day when we visited Laneige Flagship Store. Yeayyy! Was confused at first what should I purchased. One thing for sure is I will buy the BB Cushion because my IOPE BB Cushion had run out, was thinking to repurchase IOPE at first but because I got this voucher, I will just but Laneige XD. Finally after looking around the store several times, I decided to just buy the Serum Intense Lipstick. Hihi ^^ Leaving the store with happy smile, we headed for dinner. Masih di seputaran area Myeongdong, kali ini kami akan makan di Amiso. Kebanyakan tempat makan di daerah Myeongdong terletak di lantai atas gitu, aku sih jarang ngeh ya karena tulisannya dalam Hangeul semua. Untungnya kali ini kami cukup mengikuti para staff Laneige aja karena mereka yang mengarahkan jalan. :p Leaving the store with happy smile, we headed for dinner. Still around Myeongdong area, this time we would have dinner at Amiso. Most of eatery place in Myeongdong located in upper space which I never recognized because the name is in Hangeul. Fortunately we only needed to follow Laneige staff for the direction to Amiso. Makanannya semua enak-enak dan banyak sekali. Aku sharing bareng Hannah, Tailatyra dan Kim, dan itu pun kadang masih ada yang sisa *.* Kekenyangan banget pokoknya sampe ga sanggup lagi makan dessert. Haha.. Itu foto terakir bingsu-nya Hannah, aku minum sejenis makgeolli gitu tapi ga ada alkoholnya *lupa namanya* Menurutku sih rasanya manis-manis doank, ga kaya minuman begituan. All of the food are soooo delicious and they come in big size! I was sharing with Hannah, Tailatyra and Kim, but sometimes there was still some leftover *.* Really really full until I couldn’t eat any dessert haha.. The last photo is Hannah’s bingsu, I drank kind of Makgeolli but there’s no alcohol in it *forgot the name*. I think it doesn’t taste like drink, just like sweet water ._.  Setelah selesai makan, kami diberikan free time untuk shopping di Myeongdong. Ada dua jadwal bus untuk menjemput kami, kalau ga salah jam 7.30pm sama jam 9pm. Waktu saat kami meninggalkan Amiso kurang lebih jam 6pm. After finished, we were given free time to have shopping in Myeongdong. There were two bus schedule to pick us up later, which are 7.30 and 9pm. We left Amiso at around 6pm. Salah satu store Etude House di Myeongdong yang interiornya bener-bener princess banget. Super love <3 One of Etude House store in Myeongdong which has really princess-y interior. Super love <3  Akhirnya aku berjalan-jalan sendiri di Myeongdong. Awalnya kepikiran mau k Cat Café kan, tapi dengan bawaan banyak trus uda lumayan cape, kayanya ga mood deh ke sana. Akirnya cuma shopping trus liat sana-sini. Pas hampir jam 7.30pm sebenarnya aku udah ke tempat yang ditentukan untuk dijemput busnya tapi kayanya aku telat deh karena bus dan pihak Laneige nya ga kelihatan. Ya sudah deh akhirnya aku kembali ke dalam dan memutuskan nongkrong dulu di Hollys Coffee. Pas jam 9 baru deh ke tempat yang tadi ditentukan dan untunglah busnya ada. Kalau ga mesti pulang naik subway :’))))))) In the end, I walked alone around Myeongdong. At first, the thought of visiting Cat Café came to me, but because I was tired and got some shopping bag, I don’t have any mood to play around with cats. I decided to just shopping and look around. When it’s almost 7.3pm, actually I went to the meet up point to be picked up by the bus but seems like I was late because the bus couldn’t be seen anywhere. It’s alright then, I just took a rest at Hollys Coffee and then continued looking around until 9pm. Thankfully this time I could see Laneige staff and the bus, if no, I would have to went back to hotel with subway :’))))))   Sekian dulu post mengenai Laneige Global Beauty Camp Day 1 nya. Post mengenai hari sebelumnya dan Day 2 menyusul, ditunggu ya! ^^ So that’s all for the Laneige Global Beauty Camp day 1 story. Please wait for the Day 2 and the day before post, okay? ^^      

What do you think?

Written by virgo

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  1. waaa song jae rim nya syg bgt y ce g hadir pdhl pengen lihat dy jg y pastinya (scr dy jg di drama jd pengawal raja plg setia owh), iy aq jg ud nton ce di adegan itu lipstickny jg cocok bgt di cc, di you who came from the star cheon song yi jg make bb cushion sm lipenny dr laneige aihhh kereeeennn seru bgt jj nya ditunggu post keduany ce <3 😀

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