It’s been a long time since I reviewed Skin Food’s product. So today I present to you a review of Skin Food Vita Waterdrop CC Cream SPF35 PA++.
There are two designs for the CC Cream. At first I don’t know and I don’t care about it because I’ve tried other CC Creams and didn’t have any intention to buy another one. But when I got this from xxx, of course I started to find information about the product. Actually both designs have same formula. :3
All of the descriptions are in English.
It comes in a pump type which sometimes is hard to pump the product out.
Unlike most Korean CC Cream, this CC Cream doesn’t come with color-changing formula, which has white colour, but it’s tinted with beige colour.
It has pink undertone which I think isn’t very suitable for me because it makes my face looks pale.
The scent is quite strong, for me it’s like herb scent. I don’t like the scent but it’s not too irritating so that’s okay.
It gives slightly dewy finish and makes my face brighter. The coverage is sheer so don’t expect too much. The oil control is not that good, after around 4 hours I can feel that my face has become oily.
What I like:
cute illustration
slightly glowy finish
makes my face looks brighter
What I dislike:
average oil controll
herb scent
pink undertone
You can buy this at Prettiest Scharbel .
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in Reviews
wahh bentuknya lucu rin..hihi
tapi sayang pink undertone ya, tp coveragenya lumayan juga ya 😀
eh ya jadi inget post kamu yg bikin ak follow km ttg skin food tomato serum :v suka banget sama review itu, jadi keracunan beli tuh gara2 kamu :p hahaha
I have the green one. And I agree about how adorable the illustration is 😀 By the way, I used this during my holidays all the time, and although I don't like the sheer coverage for daily work and I prefer more coverage, it was perfect for a light and natural beach look…and of course the sunprotection is a plus, too 😀
I have the green one. And I agree about how adorable the illustration is 😀 By the way, I used this during my holidays all the time, and although I don't like the sheer coverage for daily work and I prefer more coverage, it was perfect for a light and natural beach look…and of course the sunprotection is a plus, too 😀
Generally I find that Skinfood has better skin care products than make up. This CC cream has a cute packaging but I think I'd rather get a product with more coverage. Thanks for the review 🙂
so cuuutee <3 the graphics are adorable <3 haha thank you for the review ^^ it covers redness pretty good but too bad oil control isn't that great…
packagingnya lucuuk hehehe
aku tau ni km pasti suka soalnya dewy bangettt ya kaaan heheheh <3
packaging nya lucu bangeet… sayangnya g trlalu suka pke cc cream krena coverage nya biasa.. aplgi muka ga flawless gn… >.< but thanks for sharing yaa.. <3
Ih, lucu packagingnya ce, kurang cocok juga buat kulitku yg oily, bisa jadi apa ntar hahaha btw, kok kalo type ga bisa masuk kesini ya ce? 🙁
I like the glow it gave to you, ! 🙂
Super cute, but not that effective. :'< Though since it's skinfood, it's probably better for you face than other CC creams. LOL
This might be good for the winter when our faces are a little bit more in need of a dewy look. *A*
Thank you for the review! <3
ahh aku sudah lama pingin nyoba ini akhirnya ada yg review juga.. hmm baunya buat penasaran rin.. aku ga seberapa suka bau2 herb gitu >_<
lucu ya packagingnya..
Cakeppppp banget packagingnyaa ci!!!
Lucuu gitu :3
Cici ud pernah coba cc cream apa aj? Yg paling nampol menurut cc apa? Heheeh
I want to check it out 🙂
The packaging creeps the hell out of me.Its not Skinfood at all to produce such a cartoonish packaging.Its adorable but yeah…moustache much kekeke.
uwaa pekejingnya imut sekaliii 😀 xD
sayang banget bikin kulit kakak malah jadi pucet, padahal lumayan cakep dewy finishnya 🙁
Segitu meracuninya kah serum itu? xD
Yes, it's so adorable, Fraulein 😀
beach look? really? for me at least i want spf50 product xD
So do I, Mhisha ^^
ga tau lin, aku bingung jg kenapa ga bs >.<
Iy makanya aku jdiin cc cream sbg primer doank hahahah xD
Hahahaha yg ini malah biasa aja sih git, lbi suka yg tony moly sm graymelin xD
yes the graphic is adorable, Misa 😀
but too bad the oil control is just so so 🙁
Can't agree more, Stella.. I think their skincare is better than makeup 😀
Hahahah because it's Skin Food, eh? xD
In my country there is no winter but I still like the dewy effect no matter what 😀
thank you for reading, Gin ♥
Hahahaha baunya ya gt enak sha.. >.<
Iy paling lucu packaging skin food ini na.. hahaha..
Pernah cb yg etude, face shop, tony moly, graymelin sm ini kyny na.. coverage paling bagus face shop.. klo glowy tony moly sm graymelin mirip2.. paling sucks si etude hahahha
Banget ^^
Iy sa, packagingny juara 😀
so strange that it has an herb scent and the pink undertone is also unfortunate =( i wish korean brands would just accept that most of their customers have yellow undertones…not pink…wishing isn't going to change genetics >…>
thanks for the review doll!