Lip lacquer oh lip lacquer.
I’m obsessed by lip products right now and I’m so happy that 3 Concept Eyes Lip Lacquer was included inside my first BNT News Beauty Box 😀
I have reviewed #Disco shade before (you can read it here), since I liked it so much, I’m happy that I got another shade this time, still from pink family, called Pink Boom.
The box is simple but still look attractive with 3ce’s signature and the pink colour that matches the lip lacquer colour.
-taken with flash-
I think the colour shows up better under flash, like in real life.
The sticker to mark that it’s still new.
There are 10 pretty colours to choose, seriously I want all of them *.*
It has a slanted sponge applicator that take out the product easily. I like how it’s pointed at the end so it’s easy to fill in the cupid bow area. 😀
Swatch on my hand:
The color is a deep pink colour.
On my lips:
left: gradation, right: full lips
The color is very pigmented! Only with one swipe, it’s already that vibrant :O
The texture is very creamy. I don’t have any difficulty when applying it on my lips. And it doesn’t show any dryness or cracked lips. Yeay for that! 😀
It doesn’t have any scent at all. It’s so rare for me to have unscented lip products XD
At first it will look glossy but after some time passed, it will look matte. And it doesn’t dry out my lips but kinda moisturized my lips. I read some other blogs th
at saying this lip lacquer makes their lip dry but thankfully I’m not experiencing that. 🙂
Although it’s not pink colour that I like (because I think the colour makes me look older -_-) but it still a nice colour, especially for you who like bold colour, you should really try out 3CE Lip Lacquer 😉
Bonus pic: my 3CE lip lacquers without and with flash XD
The product is sold at $20.81USD each on Stylenanda’s website.
This product was sent to me for review purpose.
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in Reviews
3 Concept Eyes Lip Lacquer “Pink Boom” Review
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I so envy you ! I forgot to send my application for the 2nd bntgirls >.<
Pink Boom sure looks very lovely. I should definitely try it, no matter what! hahaha
The touch of Yellow
Rin, ini warnanya kok mirip sama yg prnh km review dlu ya..3aoncept eyes jg sih lupa shade nya..klu ga salah..>_<
tp yg ini lebih bright..likeeeee it!!
uda ak vote lg rin..hihi good luck ya! :*
It's such a gorgeous and vibrant pink! A bit pricey for a lip laquer though >.<
wiiii cii aku juga pengen banget ngelengkapin koleksi lip lacquer!!! hahaha the color looks nice on you <3
It's such a gorgeous and vibrant pink! A bit pricey for a lip laquer though >.<
keduluan kamu deh… aku juga pengen beli nih…
beliin dong Rin2 sayang =*
uda ak vote nih =* good luck ya sayang
cc punya brp lip product sihhhhhh? banyak bgt *u* hahahah
ini warnanya emg too bold yahh~ tapi dipakenya ttp bagus ;3
These lip lacquers look really nice. I'd like to try one of these too 🙂 I don't think that it makes you older, by the way 😉
wwooww warnanya bold cetar membahana ce, tumben liad cc dandan gini uhuy <3
These lip lacquers look really nice. I'd like to try one of these too 🙂 I don't think that it makes you older, by the way 😉
too bad that you forgot to send the application, mhis! >.<
hihi it's not my choice of colour, i like softer colour 😀
iy nih, fil.. km ud ada wrna apa aja? smuanya bagus2 ya aihhh <3 <3
thank youuu :*
Hi ^^
Sy dah sering baca postingan km, kykx poni cocok banget buat km ..Freshhh deh dan imut2 ..
oia, lip lacquerx harga berapaan yah??
Bikin bibir km bervolume gtu >.< unyu skli
uwaa warna pink, tapi kalo aku lebih seneng soft pink sih ce.
itu yg di gambar koleksinya cece semua? warnanya bagus2…>.< *comot satu*
so bold n dolly I thinK! nice color… ngirit banget pakenya.
cakep ci warnanyaa, ciiiiii berhenti nebar racun dong >.< wkwk
cii itu wig kah? cakepppppp wignya:3
cici cakep banget mekapnyaa *0*
Really pretty color.
woow wrna pink nya supeer cutee banget… nambah lg deh ke wishlist.. lol.. nice review! <3
These lip laquers look a little like the Rimmel lacquers texture wise. It sounds good that they're not drying – I can't stand drying lip products >_<
Pink Boom is a really cute colour – it's a bit neon pink!
pink,… i love pink so much… cocok n cute koq pink itu di kamu
warnanya cantik bangeeettt >.< tapi susah ya ce kalau dipake sehari hari. terlalu vibrant warnanya.
warnanya cantik banget !! kalau pakai itu, sebelumnya perlu pakai lipbalm dulu gak ya ?
Wow, the color is so pretty and vibrant. Love it!
yep, 3ce's products are kinda expensive >.<
yg disco ya mksd km wi.. hahaha.. yg disco lebi cakep warnanya, lebi neon 😀
makasih ya wi :*
punya brp yaaa? *ga brani itung* XD
iy bold bgt cel, makanya klo mau dipake shari-hari, aku jdiin gradasi ajaa ^^
hihi aku ga niat beli warna ini kok, lis, ini dikasih ^^
makasih ya mel 😀
eke bokek nih hahahahah :p
cetar membahana shan, makanya ga pede makenya XD
really it doesn't make me look older, Fraulein? thank you for the words :*
yes you should try this, it's really a nice product ^^
sama dev, aku juga lebi sneng wrna soft 😀
iy itu koleksi akuuu XD
Hi Keiko, makasih ya ud baca blog aku ^^
iy kah? jd kliatan lebi muda ya hihi :3
klo d ol shop indo jualnya 200rb lebi kynya, mahalll >.<
yes, Tulip, that's why i'm curious with rimmel lacquer >.<
yes it's not drying for me, but some other said that it's drying for them 😮
well I like shade disco better, the one I've reviewed before 😀
hahhaha suka pink begini ya? ^^
yes it is 🙂
wahh erna ganti foto 😀
cakep na ^^
hihi maaf ya ga bermaksud nebar racun kok >.<
iy ini wig ^^
ini cakep drmn mekapnya? aku malah ga suka mekapku d sini, krn ga pake eyeliner kyny ;_;
banget jes, bingung kapan bakal abisnya XD
makasih shan ^^
perluuuuu klo kondisi bibirnya kering ^^
susah nel, kcuali km bkin gradasi :3
omg rinnnn usper pigmented. I can't resist >,< pink pulak, cakep banget bener di skin tone km. mirip sama park sora-nya itu fotonya mihihihi <3
Ahh cici perhatiin aja ak ganti foto 😛
Wignya bagus ci. Bagusss loh klo cici pk poniiii :3
Ahh ciciiii ga pake eyeliner aja uda cantikkkkkkkkkkk 🙂
warnanya oke bener yaaaa!!!! oh maaaiiii >.<
kamu cantik bener rinnnnnn >.<
Kak cakep pake wig itu :3 seger keliatannya ^^
Kayaknya kalau buat nutupin bibir yg agak dark bagusan pake lip lacquer, yah, kak?
Those lip lacquers look amazing, so many great colours!